Perparing For War

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M--"Sorry honey, but we really needed to talk to you."

A--"At least my heat isn't bad up here."

D--"Oh yes, by the way, I did a little magic, so now you won't have one until another 5 months, okay?" I sigh in gratitude,

A--"Thank you!"

M--"Honey, we are also inviting your mates up here in a few hours. Would you like me to wait until they are here, or would you actually like to come up here yourself." I thought about it,

A--"You can send me back, and I will come back with them." She nodded her head, giving me a big smile and snapping her fingers. Then I was back in my room, and I saw my mates pacing back and forth,

A--"You both have been pacing too much for my liking." They stopped and looked at me,

L--'Thank the moongoddess you're okay."

A--"That's who I was talking to. Why, what's happened?"

S--"When you passed out, you started shaking like a seizure, and when you were about to pass out, you started breathing really hard."

L--"Then all of a sudden, your heat was gone too." I nodded and was about to say something, but both of their eye glazed over, and I patiently waited. I was looking down when Silas spoke,

S--"Get ready, baby girl. we have a meeting with the moongodess"

A--"I know that is who I was talking to." I smiled, getting up from the bed, and I groaned from the soreness I felt in my muscles

A--"I thought the pain was just in my lower stomach before, but I was definitely wrong." I walk slowly to the closet. I grabbed an outfit, then walked into the bathroom, taking a hot shower, which relieved some of the pain. When I got out, I moved quickly and got everything done just in time for us to leave and make it to the gate.

We were driving, and I was about to fall asleep when Silas asked me,

S--"Did you mean what you said when you were in heat?" I thought about it then nodded my head, saying,

A--"Yes, I did."

L--"When would you really like to start trying for a family?"

A--"For my selfish side, I would say right now, but my logical side says after the threat has been deemed not a threat anymore so our baby is safe." they nod their heads, and I am glad they both agreed with me.

I must have fallen asleep on our way there because I was shook awake by one of my mates. I opened my eyes, and I gasped at how pretty it was. The gates opened, and the car drove through the gate where we were met with meadow looking area full of flowers for miles but in the middle of the huge field of flowers I see a big palace like house and we were driving towards it.

Will this time feel different since it is flesh and bones rather than talking to them through my mind? Would they still be the same people? Will they like me just the same? My what ifs kept going un my head until I noticed bag we had already parked in front of the palace and I see somebody had opened our door and was standing beside it until we all stepped of and away from the car.

We are walking up to the huge door knocking and waiting on somebody to make themselves known and when they opened the door my mates were pushed away from me and I was brought into a hug and I hug both of them back.

M--"Come in, come in. We must talk very quickly before supper." we follow behind them and walk into a very big and beautiful office.

D--"We called you here because they plan on starting war in a week's time, and you must be ready. Have you been training?"

S--"Yes, we have, sir."

L--"Aria has also trained in combat and with her spells"

D--"I noticed when we looked in on her every once in a while, I must say you are even stronger than me. It must be your mom's power mixed with mine." I was shocked

A--"Really?" My biological mom nodded her head and smiled,

M--"Okay, let's go get some dinner!" She clapped her hands and walked fast, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind her down the same hallway we came through. The only difference is we did a left instead of going straight towards the door.

We walked into the dining area, and it is a huge table, and I am afraid of touching it. It was made out of pure glass. I sat down at the place seating she brought me too and sat down at one of the chairs at the very end of the table and even before the guys made it to us everybody was already bringing out different dishes asking if I would like some then dished it out on our plates.

A--"Thank you, all of you,"

M--"Yes, thank you, everyone, and you may still sit with us and eat like any other day if you would like" she must let her cooks eat with them, which is great in my opinion. They only nodded and then walked back into the kitchen, and as we were sitting there and eating, I heard her say,

M--"I know I didn't raise you, so I get why you don't call me mom. Bit, can you please call me by my given name, which, believe it or not, my name is Luna, which is your position? " I smiled and nodded my head,

A--"Thank you for understanding. It's just a little too soon."

D--"Oh no, we get it. Like your mom said, you weren't raised by us, and you only called mom and dad to the people back home. We are not mad. My name is David." I smile and start talking about everything, and I have also decided that I am going to start training as soon as we get back home. We stayed for a while later, but it was starting to get night time, and I was getting tired  so we said our goodbyes before leaving and promising we will be back as soon as the threat was eliminated and we get to see them at the council meetings that is coming up soon.

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