Date 18+

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We pulled up to a beautiful little diner just outside of town, and when we walked in all together, it was so welcoming. Well, that is what I thought.

We got to our seat and sat down at a booth, which I sat in the middle of them, and we started looking at our menus, as we were talking and deciding what we wanted a waitress came up,

W--"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" She mainly looked at them and not me which ticked me off not that she was ignoring me but that she was eyeing them like she was five and her parents gave her a piece of candy for the first time.

L--"I will get a sweet tea."

S--"I will have a sweet tea as well." Leo grabbed my thigh, and I gasped. Every small touch they gave me since last night gives me cold chills in a good way. I cleared my throat before answering,

A--"I'll have a lemonade, please." She glares at me before saying in a flirty voice to my men.

W--"I'll be right back with you drinks, sirs." I tightened my fist about to push my nail in my skin when the hand on my thigh was gripped from Leo to tell me to stop, and Silas put his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers.

S--"What's wrong?"

A--"Nothing." I felt hotness on both sides of my neck and then quickly lips on the sides of my neck, and I let my head fall back against the booth while letting my eyes close. When they were done placing small kisses on my neck, I raised my head to only see the old couple with, I assume, their older children all glaring at me. Thankfully, the waitress came back and broke their gaze from me. At least, I think they did.

After we gave her our order, she walked away after glaring at me once again. I watched her walk around me, glaring at her until she made it to the table that had been glaring at me since they kissed me, they were talking about something that made them all start talking and moving their hands around in quick motions and I sigh when the waitress walked away to a room off to the side and seconds later, she walked out with a middle-aged guy.

L--"Hey, are you doing, okay? You haven't talked much?" I reach down from where my hands were previously on the table before right in front of me and grabbed both of their hands, squeezing them tight not bothering to answer his question because he was about to find out.

O--"Hello, I am the owner and there have been some complaints about you this evening, and we are going to have to ask you to leave." He said while pointing at me, and I cleared my throat as I felt like it was about to close,

A--"O-okay, just umm get the food I will be in the c-car, okay?" I said, and the guys looked at him, glaring and breathing hard, and I leaned over, kissing their necks, calming the down instantly, the younger lady said,

Lady--"Get out, this place doesn't serve whores like you, go fuck some other dudes and not our kings they have a mate to find" I quickly get up about to cry and I push past Silas thankfully I fit because that would have been really embarrassing, note to self never sit at a both all together so I can have an easier escape next time.

As I was rushing out of the door, I heard a loud growl, and hiss but I just kept going anyway, I see our regular driver Tim standing beside the car waiting on us and as soon as he seen me, he looked concerned and opened the door right away for me and I said as I was getting in,

A--"Make sure they don't kill anyone, please." 

T--"What happened, Luna?" He has insisted on calling me Luna when who the hell now knows if I am ever going to be,

A--"Somebody called me a whore." his face turned white, and he rushed into the diner. They came back out altogether minutes later, and I dried my tears quickly, but they were already getting in and looking at me with so much sadness and I just looked away from both and rested my head in my hands that were rested on my knees.

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