Before the Ball 18+

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It was my ceremony along with my mates ceremony. Even though they have been in charge for a while, this will say that they are the kings, and I will be their official Luna.

I just got up, and I was stretching my arm up above my head, and I heard,

L--"Damn, this is a great way to wake up."

A--"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

S--"You're fine, my queen."

A--"Ahh, ahh, ahh." I held my finger up, saying no, then crawling up the mindle of the bed, and when I made it between, then they moved closer to me, and I straddled one of their legs each and I heard my panties ripping and I felt two fingers enter me and I look down and see that both of them have a finger in me and I grab a hold of there legs behind me so I can have somebody to lean on and they started pushing their fingers in and out of me.

I arch my back, and I feel like I was about to explode. For some reason, I was already extremely sensitive when I woke up this morning. There was a knock on the door,

D--"Hey girl, get up. You need to eat something before we get ready." I bite my lip, afraid I was going to moan. They went faster and curled their fingers to hit my special spot,

L--"Answer her Princess"

A--"I-I can't." I quietly said,

S--"Answer. Her." I moan at his deeper voice,

A--"Daisey, come back later, p-please." I said loudly,

D--"Are you okay?" I could barely think straight. I was so close,


A--"Yes, yes, Yessss." I came around their fingers, and I caught my breath, then realized what just happened, I covered my face with my hand, breathing hard embarrassed. I moaned when I felt them retract their fingers, and I hurriedly got off the bed, and I ran to the bathroom.

I started the water quickly, getting in and washing my body, and was about to move on to my hair when I heard from behind me,

L--"Don't be embarrassed, princess."

A--"I am she is my best friend and she heard me finish due to her other friends." I said while grabbing the shampoo bottle opening the bottle, but it was snatched from my grasp, and Silas dipped my head back under the water, getting my hair wet and Leo was scrubbing my hair along while Silas started talking,

S--"You have nothing to be ashamed of we are mates, we are supposed to do that with each other"

L--"Yes, she will get over it, now let's go get you something to eat." I smiled, nodding my head and waiting on them to also finish their shower and get out of the shower, which they insisted, helping me get dried off along with themselves then walked into the closet with me and we got changed and headed down stairs.

We walked into the dining room, grabbing something to eat and joining everyone, and I got the courage to look at Daisey and saw a big smirk on her face,

D--"Was it good?" I cleared my throat and said in a shy voice,


D--"Come on, it was much more enthusiastic than that more like yess."

A--"Stop." I look down, feeling my eyes switch, and I breathe a deep breath in,

A--"I uhh, yes you heard and like my mates said we are mates and mates do that stuff all the time but I don't really want to be teased about it or talking about with our parents present." She cleared her throat and said,


A--"It's fine. I am just on edge since today is the ball, and I am so beyond afraid and nervous."

R--"How about all of us heading up and getting our massages done that I prepared for us all? Then we will start getting ready for the ball, okay?" I nod my head and follow her after saying a quick bye to my guys.

1 hour later:

I walk into our room, and I see both my guys lounging on the bed,


S--"Hey baby girl."

L--"Hey princess"

A--"Is it okay if I start getting ready with you guys still in the room?" They both nodded, and I head into the bathroom and grab the new makeup I have yet to put away and walk back to my new vanity they surprised me with and sat down immediately started, I did a light makeup look with a wing for my eye liner and some mascara, I then finished off the look with a red matte lipstick.

I went back into the bathroom and grabbed my curling iron and clipped half up, and started. As I was finishing up, I heard movement behind me, and when I finished my last piece of hair, I turned and saw the guys relaxing against the headboard, and I asked,

A--"Aren't you guys board out of your mind?"

S--"Not at all."

L--"No." I turned around and felt to see if NY hair was cool, and it was so I picked up my comb, and brushed through my tight curls, making them look like they are beach waves. I walk into the closet where they had my dress delivered and I smile walking around it, it was perfect, it was the blue amd gold dress with sparkles that I had tried on when my mom amd my mates mom came in making me go talk to my mates about why they did that to me before my heat started.

I unzip the bag, taking out the dress, and I hang it up on a rack quickly, taking off my clothes, grabbing a dark blue bra and underwear set, slipping both on, and walking back to my dress. After I got it off the hanger and onto my body, I sighed because I could only do a little of the zipper,

A--"Can one of you help me with my zipper?" In walked both of them,

S--"You look absolutely gorgeous."

L--"I agree." they both leaned on the door frame. They must have been changing when I asked because they both had everything on but suit jacket and tie,

A--"Thank you." I said, not bothering to cover my blush that they made on my face. Instead, I just smile and walk closer and turn around for them to zip me up.

S--"There you go, baby girl."

A--"Thank you. Are you guys almost ready?"

L--"Yep, just a couple of things to finish." I nodded and walked over, grabbing my gold colored shoes, placing them on the floor, then stepping into them before walking back to my mates, which were both now completely ready and I placed an arm through each of their arms m s and we make it down the steps and we walk down the hall until we get to the ball room and I take a deep breath in and the doors open showing us hundreds and hundreds of people and I feel like I am going to faint bit instead I just smile and we started our journey.

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