Dress Shopping

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It's been a couple of weeks, and it is that ball thing where they introduce me as their Luna and queen, so we are walking into the dress shop and I sigh, I absolutely hate shopping and especially because Wesley, Wendy, and all of their friends are following closer by,

D--"Aria, what color do you like?"

A--"Preferably black since it will hide some of the unwanted fat in areas."

E--"Honey, don't talk about yourself that way, please." I just look at her, then walk away to look for a dress, and I find all ugly dresses that won't look good on me or just grandma style of dress.

I have been having a rough time lately. I get these sometimes, I will have a couple of good weeks or months, then have a few days th.at I would be sadder and more anxious, or my already terrible self-esteem would be even worse.

The last couple of weeks the guys have been great, and we have slowed things down tremendously, we moved so quick, and I think it was better for me to just not move so fast and they understood.

I have been training, and I am getting so much better, I have found out that I am a fire elemental witch, my dad is earth which mean he can control anything that has to do with nature such as grass, dirt, trees. Then my mom is a water witch she can control any size or any kind of liquid, my sister my dad said that she is most likely going to be a able to see the future or something like that.

I know you must be confused. Since we come from one of the first Witch and Warlock bloodlines, we have a little more than regular witch powers, something I just learned that a couple of days ago. I walk around, and I see a dress and pick it up out my size, then walk back to the others and see only one other dress.

R--"How about you go try them on?" I looked back and just shook my head no and placed the dress on a random rack, which I don't usually do, but I did today. I turned and walked away from all of them out of the store and walked towards the bathrooms.

W--"Hey, isn't it the girl that gets around." I raise my head as I walk into the bathroom, and I sigh, walking to the stall about to enter when she said,

W--"I wonder how they could leave me for a cow like you" that stopped me right in my tracks, and I swear my heart felt like it stopped beating. I slowly turned around, and I saw her smirking but also a little bit of fear, and I glanced over in the mirror that was right beside her head and I see they are a bright purple and I sigh trying to calm down but nothing is working so I just put my head down and walked towards the door opening it and walking out of the bathroom leaving her in there by herself.

W--"Hey sweets" I looked up glaring at him and he took a step back and I quickly looked at his friends before speed walking past them and I heard footsteps behind me and I glanced back seeing, my mom, Rose, Chloe, and Daisey all following behind me.

I quickly entered the car, and everyone followed, and mom quickly took off, and I thank her for that.

Once we reached home after an extremely uncomfortable car ride home, the tension that I was making in the car was almost too hard for even me to handle. As soon as mom parked, I opened my door up, and I got out bypassing Leo, Silas, William, Tristan, my dad, and a council member and went straight for the gym made just for me while I am still figuring stuff out and I started to punch the punching bag over, and over, and over, and over.

I kept going until I was abruptly turned around, and somebody was holding my hands, and my vision cleared. I looked up, seeing both the twins, and they looked concerned, and I yanked my hands away, walking off to our room we were sharing.

As I was sitting there trying not to move my hands and make the small cuts sting even worse, I heard the door open and in front of me a few seconds later when. I looked up, was Silas and Leo, saying I get up and walking to the bathroom.

L--"Are you going to tell us what is going on?" I grabbed the stuff to clean my hands, not saying anything. I looked up, seeing my eyes still purple.

A--"Did I get myself or anybody else in trouble for not staying and talking to the council member?"

S--"No, your mom said something happened when you were shopping today, and he is the nicer one." I nod, and it was silent again. I got five Band-Aids out, and I opened up the rubbing alcohol and poured it over my knuckles, and I hissed.

L--"Talk to us if we did something we would like to know so we can fix it."

A--"Am I the only girlfriend you both shared?"


L--"Why do you ask?"

A--"Because somebody told me that they didn't know why you left them for somebody like me, and I believe her, so have you had sex with the same women at the same time?"


S--"But we never dated anybody together." I finished up wrapping my hands. I turned and looked at them and said,

A--"Listen I didn't expect you to save yourselves but damn at least don't share a girl because that is for your mate and you knew that, and as for me I know I haven't had sex with anybody else but if I was going to before I met the two of you I wouldn't have because even though I didn't know about any of this stuff I still felt like I need to save myself for you two, so I am pissed off right now, and to mention it I don't have a dress because I am fat"

I walk out of the bathroom them right on my tail, and I sigh to myself, walking into my closet, and grabbing a fresh pair of clothes changing into it to get out of my sweaty clothes.

L--"Me and Silas went to a party one night. As you know from the books you have read, we can't get drunk." I nodded my head, sitting down on the bench we have in the closet,

S--"Well, we had our doctor friend mix us up something that would actually work on us. In fact, it worked too good, we actually don't remember it, but she had both of our scents on her when we woke up the next morning."

A--"You mean in her but continue."

L--"We don't remember even now, and we are sorry we did it. We really didn't mean to do that." I sigh and let my head fall into my hands, saying after a moment of silence,

A--"I am sorry, I just have been having a rough day, and I am not sure what to do about a dress, and the ball is tomorrow so I am freaking out and taking it out on you guys." I sighed, and Silas said,

S--"I will go contact the royal designer; they will bring everything you could ever wish for, okay?" I nod,

L--"What color do you like, length wise, and how tall would you like your heels?"

A--"Umm, I like lavender dresses but also like a baby blue, I like floor length and the shortest heels they can do."

L--"Alright all set." They were about to leave when I said a quick,

A--"Wait." They turned towards me, and I got up and walked towards them, and I hugged them both at the same time saying.

A--"I really am sorry I treated you guys like that." They kissed me on the top of my head,

S--"We understand, baby girl."


S--"You're stressed, you're scared, everything is changing, you also have to go back to school and finish out the year so you can graduate." I just lean into their comfort, and we stay like that until we were all ready to detach from one another.

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