Graduation 18+

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It was graduation day, and I was beyond tired, I had to get up early, train, take a shower, eat, pick out clothes because they have a certain dress code even if they don't see it under my gown, then I had to rush around to get pictures with everyone and now we are finally in the car headed to mine and Leo's graduation.

When we arrived, everyone is getting pictures with their friends, and I wished that I could have made some more friends, but its whatever, I have my family, my mates, Daisey, and Noah. We parked the car and everyone looked at the big limo we were driving and I hated getting out and facing everyone when all their eyes were on us but I need to get this done so I can solely focus on the rogues and the war headed our way.

We all exit the car and start making our way towards the doors and I hold onto my mates hands and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, but like I said I have a lot going on, along with the war, the guys have to be crowned kings in the next couple of weeks and to do so they have to fully mark me but with all the stuff I had said previously has taken up so much time and when we get back to our room we just crash.

I was suddenly ran up to by Savy she is the girl that had brought me my makeup homework to our house.

S--"Hi Aria, I was just wondering if I could get a picture with you?" I nod my head, saying,

A--"Of course." When we were done, she said a quick thank you before bounding off towards another group of girls. I grabbed a hold of my mates hands again, and we started walking into the school where Leo and I had to split up from Silas and the rest of our family.

We walked in and sat in our assigned spots listening to the principle and vise principle talk. We all suddenly were told to stand up, and we started our long line of seniors walking through the halls it's really weird because I never really was here because of all the craziness I was put through in a short amount of time.

When we got to our seats outside on our football field, this also made me kind of sad since I never got to see Leo play. I quickly started paying attention to the principal talk, and after all the speeches, they finally started doing the names, and I was towards the front due to my last name.

P--"Aria Brown!" I walked across the stage, and I heard hollering from a section on the bleachers, and I blushed, knowing it was everybody from our families and my mates. I walked back to my seat where I sat down and waited for the rest and when Leo's turn was up I clapped and whistled loudly along with the rest of the football team, some girls, and our family.

After they were done, we all rose to throw our caps in the air, and that is when I caught eyes with my mate, and I smiled so happy we made it to this moment and suddenly I heard our principle saying that we were to make our exit and when we do I caught eyes with my other mate and he smirked giving me a wink causing me to blush.

When we made it to the auditorium, we were released, and I made my way to my mate but saw him talking to a girl and a guy that I had never noticed before and didn't want to interrupt them so I wait when the girl noticed I was standing there and she said something while pointing at me he instantly turned and gave me a big smile and walked over to me picking me up in a hug twirling me around,

A--"I finally made it!"

L--"Yes, you did, Princess." He gave me a big kiss before saying,

L--"Alright, let's get us to that big cookout they are doing for us." I nod happily, and we walk back out to the hallway where everyone was talking to their families and I hold Leo's hand and when we see Silas I give him a huge hug and kiss before giving the rest of my family a hug as well.

We walk out to the car and make our journey home. I must have fallen asleep on our way home because somebody shook me awake. I open my eyes, looking around and I see my mates looking at me and I smile saying,


S--"Never say sorry for resting" Leo got out and held out his hand for me to take and we all get out walk hand and hand around the house seeing everyone already cooking, laughing, and Daisey is dancing her butt off still in her cap and gown, I shake my head and release my mates hand walking up to her and start dancing with her. After a while, Tristan and William said,

T--"Meat is done"

W--"All sides are done." they were bringing the food to the table so we could eat as a family. We all sat around and talked, having a good rest of the day, eating, laughing, and more dancing. I was so tired but I wanted to be marked by my mates and I have been turned on all day.

A--"Everyone, I am sorry to cut this short on my end, but I am so tired, and I need to take a shower, so I will see you guys in the morning!" I give them a big smile and wave before I walked into the house. By the time I made it to the stairs, I heard the sliding door open, and I just kept going. 

I walked straight to our shower, taking a really quick one, then got out dried off my body, and I looked in the mirror debating on doing it tonight, but when do we ever have time. I worked up the guts to go out their naked,

L--"Are you okay, Princess?"

A--"Yeah." I sighed, grabbing the door handle before pulling it open, and walked out. Neither of them looked at me yet, so I checked them out, and I when I made it to their faces, both were looking at me with hunger in their eyes, I cleared my throat and walked to the bed and I climbed up on it and sat on my knees slowly spreading my thighs open and I lean back a little to where they can see ALL of me and I heard deep growls,

S--"Come here, baby girl, come here and ride me." I sat back up and crawled to him, and I straddled him, and I was a tad bit scared I had never done it this way. I quickly sank down on him, feeling the stretch that burning, but it feels fantastic, we didn't do any foreplay but I have no regrets. As soon as I hit the bottom, I moan and grab a hold of Silas's shoulder and start bouncing as fast as I could. I felt the fasted build-up I have ever had.

As I was bouncing up and down on his cock, I felt my hair moved to the side and gripped, yanking my head sideways and I felt kisses being planted on my neck and I moan opening my eyes looking down at Silas and I see the lust in his eyes and he groaned loudly and I started going faster and faster until I felt teeth graze my neck,

A--"Please, Leo, please." I yelped in pain when his teeth sank into me, but soon came the pleasure. My walls gripped Silas so hard he gripped my thighs as we came together. I moan at the feeling of his cum shooting in me, after Leo licked his mark he says,

L--"Climb on me Princess" I look over trying to recover but when I see him pleasuring himself I raise from Silas giving him a quick kiss before climbing over Leo sinking down on him automatically and started bouncing but my legs were so weak I started slowly down and I looked down,

A--"I don't know how long I can keep going by myself" I said but kept bouncing. I grabbed his shoulders like I did, Silas, and that helped me, and I was about to come already, and I could feel Leo swelling inside me, and I cum again fully feeling his knot in me, an usually he doesn't knot me in this hole and it is so much more of a turn on. I moan loudly when I tried to bounce again and was stopped by his knot, so did he, so I kept doing that and my hair was pulled to the side and my neck was bit into again,

A--"Ohhhhh, don't stop, please." When he retracted him fangs, I felt Leo release in me, and my mouth opened in a silent moan, and I quickly started bouncing again, saying,

A--"I need both of you, please." The connection I feel now is overwhelming, and I felt a tear escape my eye,

A--"Ohhhh, fuck, pleeeease" I was suddenly turned over on my side and I was aware that Silas was about to push in me as well, I moan when I feel both of my mates in me and my neck is tingling and I almost couldn't stand all of it, I was also very sensitive and I was already about to cum again and I suddenly squeezed both of them and I was cumming before I realized it and they released in me at the same time both biting into their marks amd as soon as they retracted their teeth I gasped closing my eyes feel extremely tired and I slowly closed my eyes amd slowly fell asleep.

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