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I sigh taking my daughters barbie from my sons and giving it back to my daughter,

A--"Now you two stop tormenting your sister go play with your cousin" I watch as they run away to play with Eli. You heard it right, we actually had another baby even though for hundred of years the royal families only had two children.

Our boys are four and their names are Maverick Davis he is the oldest by two minutes, he is the loudest, definitely not shy, and the joker of the kids. Then my second son his name is Jasper Davis, he looks identical to his brother but the more quiet and more serious versio. They both look just like their dads.

Then there is our daughter she looks just like me. Her name is Clarie Davis. She is just now three years old. She acts just like me shy, quiet, she loves artist things such as drawing, listening to music, likes painting, she loves watching movies, and loves to play tea partys. While her brothers got their dads love of sports.

As for me and their dads we are fitting into the kings and queen role good, everyone seems happy about everything, and since our battle there hasn't been any really big threat trying to be made against us.

Me, my mom, and my dad are still all very close I know they aren't my biological mom and dad but they raised me and they will always be my mom and dad. They are actually on a cruise with my mates parents right now they even invited my biological mom and dad but with her being the moongoddess and him being the highest witch there is they had to many responsibilities to go. Also I see my biological mom and dad every Saturday or every other Saturday and we are very close as well.

My sister is doing very well actually she has a mate now his name is Eric. He is originally from a pack three hours away and they were here for a meeting and he agreed to live here instead of her having to move away from her family. After two years of being together she found out that she is now pregnant with a girl and everything is going well with her and her powers which she finally got control of, for a while she was having trouble containing it whenever she got mad or sad, it was even worse than me when I first started using my powers.

Daisey and Noah are doing good as a matter of fact the cousin I was talking about previously to my sons is her boy his name is Eli. He is three years old and he acts just as ornery as my boys. We always joke about Clarie and Eli being mates because even at this young of age they are always around each other even if her brother get mad at him for wanting to play with her over them sometimes.

S--"Baby girl we are home!"

L--"Kids we are home!" I see my daughter run past me to her dad's and gives them each a big hug,

S--"Where is mommy?"

C--"Kitchen cooking"

L--"Hello princess" Leo says as he enters the kitchen giving me and hug and a kiss then Silas came to me and gave me a hug and a kiss as well.

A--"How was the meeting?"

S--"Good we bought the land beside the pack land and we are going to extend the ground since our pack is getting bigger these days." He said while rubbing my belly, oh yeah did I forget to mention I am pregnant yet again with baby number four. I smile and the boys come running in and I said,

A--"Go sit at the table dinner is ready" we walk to the table and have dinner as a family and I smile at all of them then looking away from my children that are arguing over who loves mashed potatoes more and look over to my mates who were already looking at me smiling and I smile back saying

A--"I love you both so much."

L--"I love you too princess."

S--"I love you too baby girl."

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now