Story and apologies

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They all stared at me, shocked, and I shook my head and looked back up, and I looked to my mom and dad, saying,

A--"I am not mad at what happened. You are my parents and always will be along with them too." she started crying, running to me, embracing the loves given from her and now my dad. When they pulled away, I looked over at my nightstand and see the book and I grab it running my hands acrossed it seeing another language but it magically appeared in English and I heard gasps I looked up at the ceiling and said,

A--"Thank you." hoping she would be able to hear.

A--"Mom, would you care to explain to them something, then I will fill in the rest?" She nods and starts the story. I just open my spell book and see pretty hard spells, and I smile. I'm pretty sure it is my actual dad's handwriting.

R--"All this time, we didn't know." she walked over and hugged mom, then walked over and hugged me as well and I smiled, hugging her back, and when we pulled away, I said,

A--"I am okay really, it was a shock and still is but for some reason I just feel happy, I grew up and still have the best parents ever, but I also got to meet my real mom and hopefully I can see her again but right now I am the most I have been in a few days." I looked down at my lap, and that is when I remembered what happened, and I felt a tear run down my face, and I looked up and continued,

A--"I can't tell you all how sorry I am with how I have been treating you all, I just didn't know how to handle it, and on top of losing our first baby I am the first person in the family tree to actually lose a baby and they told me it was likely to happened again if I produce a weak placenta and I am just so sorry" I was suddenly in the middle of a huge group hug,

R--"You never have to apologize. Do you hear me? That is something tragic that happened that nobody could stop, okay?" I nodded, and she wiped the tears from my cheeks.

W--"Can you tell us what all the moon goddess said to you?"

T--"But if you would like sometimes, you can rest now." I shook my head and said,

A--"No, really, I am okay. Um, she warned me about a war coming and that it was the rogue king. We have to prepare our troops and ask people to join us if they are willing, I know that we have more than any pack with us being the royal pack but the way that she said it made me think there are more than we think and the few the send probably doesn't even make a dent in their numbers."

R--"Spoken like a true Luna!"

E--"I agree." I smiled at them and went to stand up but got dizzy,

E--"Take it easy, pretty girl. You used a lot of magic when the moon goddess herself talked to you it also drained your energy." I nod and ask,

A--"Will I be better tomorrow? I have school, and Leo, you have a game, and Silas, you are supposed to be a substitute, and you have been absent as well." They all looked at each other, then back at me, and Silas said,

S--"Baby girl, you were out for two days, and we will be going back to school Monday." I fall back on our bed and say.

A--"I am going to fail, and I only have a week left before graduation." I run my hands down my face, and then I realized,

A--"Oh no, I have my ACT test coming up." I sigh, getting up. Thankfully, I could actually stand this time. I walked to my closet and started getting changed into some leggings and sweatshirt, putting on a pair of fuzzy socks to match.

When I walked back outside of the closet, I saw everyone had left except my guys, and I smiled as I watched them conversing about things looking hot as usual.

A--"When do we start people's training?" 


A--"Can I train with everyone?" They looked at me confused,

A--"It just makes me feel... umm, secluded from everyone and not part of the pack, I mean, I guess I am technically not one of your kind but I-" they stopped my rant saying,

S--"We never wanted you to feel that way."

L--"Yeah, we just wanted you to be comfortable with yourself."

S--"And we also didn't know whether you would like to be watched."

A--"I wouldn't like to be watched or judged but if I am going to be Luna, I would like to train with everyone else not just you two and I have been getting good, so I won't embarrass you I promise" I smile and they smiled at me with Leo saying,

L--"You would never embarrass either of us."

A--"Yeah, you think that now until you see the other girls that are in shape and are pro fighters." I shrugged my shoulders and started walking to the door, and as I was reaching for the doorknob, and I was turned. 

S--"We want you and only you."

L--"We don't care if the other girls are in your words in shape, you are perfect for us."

S--"You are made for us do you understand?" it took a lot for me to not moan at how they went all alpha wolf on me, and I nod my head in understanding, Silas first leaned into me giving me a long passionate filled kiss and Leo followed right behind him and it felt just as good and passionate as Silas's and that is when I moaned, and I felt their bodies go ridged.

A--"Sorry I know it's best to not go far since the miscarriage just happened, I am sorry I will keep my noises under control." I smiled and looked down at their chest where I am suddenly brought into a hug and I cuddle into them enjoying their heat, 

L--"As soon as your ready beautiful we are there, okay?"

A--"Thank you" 

S--"No need to thank us baby girl you are ours to take care of" I smiled and stayed cuddled against them a while longer until it was time to actually go out of our room where we had a great family day and that is all I could ask for. 

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