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I woke up with a start, I looked around, and I calmed down when I saw my mates beside me. I was suddenly pulled back down in the middle of them, and I looked left and right where I saw both looking at me,

A--"I am sorry I didn't wait up for you guys. I could barely keep my eyes open in the shower." They both hummed as in its okay, as I was sitting there thinking something popped up in my head,

A--"Can we have a stone for our precious nugget put in the cemetery, I am sorry if that is weird, I know we didn't know long."

S--"That sounds perfect."

L--"That sounds lovely." I smiled and brought my wrist to Silas's mouth and and he shook his head no,

A--"Silas, you have to feed"

S--"No, something made you low on energy, and I won't be the cause of you falling over and passing out."

A--"I talked to my biological parents yesterday it's because I haven't been eating enough, and when I do it, it's not enough protein in my diet." They gave me a pointed look,

A--"I am not starving myself, guys, I promise, I just want to get into shape."

L--"Well, from now on, you will be eating with us breakfast, lunch, and dinner until you're better, okay?" I nod and offer my arm again, and I look over at Leo,

A--"You can shift in here if you want." Just like Silas has to eat in the morning, Leo feels like his anger is better if he shifts in the morning. He gets off the bed, and he shifts right in front of me, and I open my legs, and he climbs up the middle of them and laying his front half on my lower region, stomach area, and his head is laying between my breast.

I looked over at Silas, and he gently grabbed my hand, and I intertwined my fingers in Leo's hair and started playing with it, and I heard in my head,

L--"Keep doing that, princess." I continued to play with his hair when Silas bit into my arm, and it started feeling good automatically, and I let my head fall back, and a moan escaped my mouth.

After only a few seconds I felt the need to cum but I was cut off when he retracted his teeth from my arm, I looked up sexually frustrated but he looked worried and got up from the bed quickly,

A--"I umm did I do something wrong?" I released my grip on Leo just in case I also hurt him in some way,

S--"Yes... I mean no, shit baby girl." I started pacing,

L--"What's wrong, brother?" I now notice he turned back to his human body,

A--"I must have done something wrong again" I once made my blood to hot with my magic when I was forst learning but I had only done that once and I am a lot stronger and in control of my powers now.

S--"No, umm, I am having a hard time controlling myself. Your blood is different. It's more...." he didn't talk for a second before saying in a rushed out,

S--"I have to go." he said and ran out of the room using his vamp speed.

A--"Damn it, that is the second time I have done something bad during his feedings what if it happens again, what if it ruined him somehow, what if-" I was cut off and Leo said,

L--"How about I go after him and get to the bottom of this?" I nod my head and said,

A--"I am going dress shopping with
Daisey today." He nodded, getting up quickly, getting dressed and giving me a kiss on my forehead before walking out of our room, and as I was getting ready for the day I still couldn't think of what happened during today's feeding with him.

After I was completely ready, I walked down the stairs where I saw Silas pacing while Leo just looked at him and when they noticed I came in the room Silas stopped pacing looking at me before walking out of the house and I felt my eyes water and I avoid looking at Leo and just walked down the hall leading to Daiseys and Noah's room and knock, which she opened it looking at me with a smile before looking around giving me a confused look before shrugging giving me one of her huge smiles and grabbed my hand pulling me back to where my mates were originally and out the door to her car.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now