First Time 18+

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It was a month and a half later, and we would do the same routine as we did that day every morning since Silas is having a hard time drinking regular blood after having mine, but every time I would try to make a move sexually they would turn me down and I am wondering if they like me like that, sure we come undone every time he drinks my blood but something about sex with me must turn them off.

We were driving home from school well their home even though I have been staying with them for two days straight, but my parents and their parents are leaving for a week and my sister was going with them too so they could go ahead and tell her since they don't want any problem like they have had with me.

I also started training a week after he fed on me the first time and saw Leo's wolf for the first time, and I have been getting really strong. Wes, thankfully, has been just looking at me and not saying anything anymore. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Leo opened my door for me, and I noticed that we were at their home.

I get out, and I don't wait for them. I just walked up the steps and into their home. I walk straight up the stairs and into a guest room, shutting and locking the door. I walked into the bathroom, turning it on, warm and quickly stripping out of my clothes, and getting in, I leaned my back against the wall, letting the water stream down my face and body.

I let my hands trail down my body until they find my destination, and I moan when I slip a finger in my core, in, out, in, out, I moan thinking about their hands on my body, or when them both pumping their huge sexy cocks in and out of my... I heard two groans outside the bathroom, and I quickly grabbed a towel, walking out of the shower and bathroom.

What I saw shocked me, and I said without thinking as they were stroking themselves both with their eyes closed,

A--"And here I thought I couldn't turn you on... oh wait, maybe I can't. Maybe it is the girlfriend you have on the side." I slammed the door shut once again and locked it. I should explain well a couple of days ago, I saw Wendy, who I thought was with Wes hugging up to both Leo and Silas.

I had been resting my head against the wall in the shower, letting the water run all over my body when I felt four hands on me, and I jumped, turning around and covering my body with my hands.

A--"What are you doing in here?"

S--"What did you mean when you said that?"

A--"Nothing I um will be done soon, and I will fix dinner for you guys when I am done, okay?"

L--"Not okay, tell us what just happened?" I looked down afraid to look them in the eyes but that was a mistake I see both of their cocks standing proudly. I looked away, feeling the blush starting.

S--"You can look beautiful their all yours."

A--"Are they really, though?" I said really quietly, but they heard me for sure.

L--"Alright, that is the second comment. Tell us what you mean." My swallowed hard, and I felt a couple of tears fall, and I looked up and said,

A--"Listen, I know I don't have blond hair, I know I am not tall, I know I am fat but please don't lead me on if you want a different mate just tell me" They looked confused and the both took a step forward but I couldn't go anywhere I am already against the wall.

S--"What they hell are you talking about? Of course, we want you. We love the way that you are."

A--"Evidently not because you won't touch me"

L--"We touch you all the time." They both tried to pull me in for a hug, but I pulled away and grabbed one of their hands each,

A--"That is not what I mean, I mean this way." I pulled Leo's hand that was still on my waist around to my ass   and pressed against it to where he was gripping it and I hold in a moan and I grab Silas's hand drag it from my other side and was guiding it to the destination that I so badly want them to touch but this is just to much and I dropped his hand and pulled Leo's off me and I turned thinking about how Wendy was grabbing both of their arms and pulling them to her.

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