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I get home, and mom is not surprised to see me, but she did say I only had an hour and a half to get ready for dinner tonight with her friends that I forgot about until she reminded me about it and I am once again nervous right as I got myself calmed down and realized that I kind of over reacted about the comment I said to Leo.

I walk up and see the dress she picked out for me today at the mall, and I sigh when I put it on because it only comes down about a half inch above my knee, which made you see my fat jiggling thighs and the only good part was that you couldn't see my fat stomach since it was fitted up top and flowed out.

I walked over to my vanity, deciding to just resratraighten my hair and touch up my makeup, then grabbing the wedges slipping them on thinking at least she didn't get me regular heels they kill my feet and legs.

I walked down the stairs slowly seeing everyone was ready,

E--"Oh honey, you look beautiful."

O--"Your mom is right honey you look stunning. Purple is definitely your color." I smiled and said,

A--"Thank you."

E--"Okay let's get the show on the road" I smiled at my mom and shakes my head glancing at my sister and we both gave each other a look that made us both start laughing as we were walking out, I ask her,

A--"How is school?"

C--"The best, and I already have a crush. He is so cute!" I listened the whole way about her crush, I am so glad she is loving her new school. But as soon as we pull up, we both shut up and look at the freaking castle like house. They have friends that live in a freaking castle... I am speechless.

O--"We will explain after we leave girls now close your mouths you will catch flies" I close my mouth and looked over at Chole and she mouths wow and all I could do was nod my head at her.

We get out of the car, and I smooth my dress down, and I sigh, getting really nervous about what I am supposed to act like, am I even allowed to touch stuff inside, and I allowed to even enter this house?

When we reached the door, my dad knocked on the door, and it opened, and two guys said,

T--"Oliver, Ella, hi!"

W--"Welcome back to our home."

O--"Tristan, William, hello!" They hugged, then they both hugged my mom, and my dad introduced us,

O--"Hey guys, these are my daughters. My youngest here is Chole she is in her last year of middle school, and this is my oldest daughter Aria, and she is a senior."

W--"It is very nice to meet you both." we were pulled into a hug by both men, and I don't really like people touching me, but I tried to be nice and hug the back.

T--"Come in and meet our wife and sons." They then said to me and Chole that shocked us they both shared a wife. We walked in, and we stood there for a second while one went upstairs, and one went into what I assumed was the kitchen or dining area.

I stood there looking around and not paying attention, but when I heard them announce,

W--" Aria, Chole, this is me and Tristan's wife Rose." she walks to us and wraps her arms around me first, and then Chole,

R--"You both can call me Auntie Rose, if you want, since me and your mom grew up like sisters." we both nodded our heads, and then that is when something left me wishing that I was still at home, I watched Tristan, Leo, and Silas. I gulped and started backing up a couple of steps but stopped myself completely because I couldn't embarrass my parents. I already do that with how big my body is,

W--"Guys, this is our best friends, Oliver and Ella Brown they will also be helping with our business."

T--"And their kids Aria and Chole." I kept my gaze down too nervous to look up,

L--"Aria, it's nice to see you again."

S--"Yes, very good to see you again."

R--"Do you guys know each other?" I looked up, and everybody was looking between us, and I felt my breath picking up while everyone was looking at me.

C--"It is very nice to meet you all, you have a wonderful home." Everyone looked at her, including me, and she just smiled at me, and I gave her a small one back.

R--"Okay, let's eat dinner!" I followed last in the dining room, and the only seat that was available was in between the brothers, and I slowly sat down.

After a little while and the food came out, I was still just picking at my food to afraid that somebody would judge me. My knees were bouncing up and down from my nervousness of sitting so close to both of them and in between them no less. My body went ridged when I felt a hand on each of one of my thighs, and I looked around the table to see if anybody was looking at me, which they were not.

T--"Okay, everyone, us parents are going to go into our home office and talk about work, Chole there is a room full of art supplies would you like us to show you first before we get going?" She nodded her head excitedly at them, and everyone got up and left us three alone.

I was looking down at my plate, still too nervous to look at them, do they know both of them have a hand on my thigh, my breath got more rapid as I felt their hands start to move up towards something no guy has wanted to touch before.

L--"Does that feel good?" He asked me after giving my thigh a squeeze, and a gasp left my mouth on accident, Sila suddenly was completely under my dress,

A--"Please save me from the embarrassment and just both let go of me?" I was about to moan loudly, so I had to say something, but that just made them bring their hands higher and squeeze again, which made me drop my head in my hands before lifting my head once again and grab both of their hands then looked up but what I saw freaked me out, Silas's eyes were red and Leo's are the bright blue eyes from the first day in class yesterday but they seem completely white. I grabbed their hands off of my thighs and pushed my chair out, then ran out of the house.

What the hell just happened and what was wrong with both of their eyes, why did I want them to bring their fingers and finger fu... I stopped myself from thinking that, and I just kept running until I was home.

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