A Little Surprise 18+

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A--"Just a minute Savy I am coming" I was rushing around this morning getting stuff and myself ready but I forgot that the girl from school is bringing my next assignment to me while I was prepare and getting used to everything that is going on.

I opened the door, but who I saw behind the door was Wes, my bully from school, and I felt like I wanted to throw up,

A--"What are you doing here" he smiles at me and looks me up and down and I looked down realizing that I am still in my rob with nothing on underneath it and I pull it tighter to my body clearing my throat,

W--"Savy was sick and I volunteered to bring your homework to you and also ask you to go on a date with me" I stepped back when he took a step forward towards me and I hear a growl and a loud his behind me. I look back and see my mates standing directly behind me and each putting a hand around my waist,

W--"Damn, it is actually true. I was just giving you a hard time, but now that it is true can I have your number and maybe you can stop by" I felt a tear run down my face, he is no different than my ex bestfriends. Another set of noises came out of my handsome mates, and I saw one of their hands rip the papers out of his hands and say,

L--"Do not, and I mean do not speak to her like that."

S--"Whether or not you believe in mates, that's your problem. You got it? This is real as it gets and never threatens Savy again, or you will be thrown out next"

L--"Answer my brother when he is talking to you."

W--"Yes, sir." I have been shrinking back slowly in between them as they were talking, I feel uncomfortable being in just a robe, nothing else on underneath it and when they both used their alpha voices I instantly get wet and I know everyone will be able to smell my arousal,

S--"Go right now before we change our mind, and don't just kick you out." He runs to his car with one of his friends driving, and Leo shut the door and he leaned his head up against the door breathing hard and Silas hands are turning a shade of white from the fist he has going on and he is leaning his back against the door with his eyes closed and breathing heavy,

A--"Silas, Le-" I was cut off when I was suddenly turned and pressed against the front door with pressure but not enough to hurt me,

A--"What did I do wrong?"

L--"Nothing at all, in fact." he trailed a finger up my thigh until he plunged a finger in my entrance, and I moan, letting my head fall back,

S--"What made you so wet, baby girl?"

A--"Both of y-you." he added another finger, causing my legs to almost buckle, but they didn't. He kept going faster and faster but I couldn't cum without both of them, when I heard footsteps I grabbed his arm to stop him but he doesn't instead he ads another finger and Silas walks in front of me hiding me.

He kept going so fast, and I almost broke, but I can't without both it is not fair.

W--"Is something wrong with you mate boys?"

S--"She is fine, just a wardrobe malfunction, we'll see you later."

W--"Okay, love you guys, see you later, Aria." When I didn't answer back, afraid of a moan slipping out, Leo thrusted his fingers hard to tell me to say something.

A--"See you l-later." he added pressure to my other hole when I started talking. He walks away and my mouth drops open and I grab a hold of Silas shirt and a hold of Leo's hand pushing his to go faster when I felt a finger slip through my other entrance and I let my head fall backwards hitting the door and then another finger I couldn't contain my sounds hardly,

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