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We have only talked to four different people, and we have only been in here for just a short amount of time. I smiled and greeted our sixth person,

Leo--"Princess go on ahead while we finish talking business, and we will find you shortly after, okay?" I nod smiling at them before practically skipping over to Daisey,

D--"Pay up." She held her hand out to Noah, and he slapped fifty in her hand.

A--"You bet on me?"

N--"Yep, I said you would walk around and greet everyone for two hours long. She only had forty-five minutes, and you did an hour, so she is closer to her time." I just shook my head at them and smiled when I felt an arm go around my waist on each side.

L--"We are going to go eat at our table then it will be our speech and ceremony time okay?" I nod and let them show me to our table where their parents, along with mine, are sitting, and the parents that raised me not my moongodess mom and Warlock dad.

A--"Hey guys, how are you all doing?"


E--"Yes, but a little boring when nobody really talks to you." I smiled and nodded my head, agreeing because nobody really talked to me other than hi or bye.

We were sitting around joking while eating our meal until it was time to get up and do speeches.

L--"Hello everyone! I am so glad you would all come out and celebrate us being given the title as Kings over from our dads, they were great kings and our mother was a great Luna and we aim to be just like them! So thank you all for coming!"

S--"Good evening, everyone. I would like to give a big thank you to all of our parents at the table up front because without them, we wouldn't have been able to pull this off. We promise to be the best kings we can!" I was standing there smiling, but I felt like I could puke, and it is my turn. I walked up to the mic, and they both had a hand on my lower back.

A--"Hello, I would like to thank everyone in this room and to the ones that couldn't make it tonight, I would like to thank you for making me feel so welcome in a pack full of wolves even though I am a witch, I would also like to thank you for this new very welcomed journey and I am very excited and honored to be your Luna!" I smiled, stepping back, and everyone clapped, and a couple whistles were heard. We walked back down, and everyone congratulated me on my speech.

A--"I know I have to do speeches, but how many exactly?"

W--"Just a small amount." He held up his hand, showing me a small amount with his fingers

T--"William brother, don't lie to the poor girl."

R--"Boys! You're scaring her look at her face." she shook her head and finished saying,

R--"You will have to speak at each ball you throw, which is around ten balls per year since you are the kings mate." I nod my head and ask my parents,

A--"Where is Chloe?"

E--"Your sister has decided to sit away from us. She is still kind of mad, but she is sitting with Daisey and Noah!" I nod, feeling bad that we haven't had any sister time.

O--"Honey, don't do that."

A--"I can't help it dad there has been so much going on, and I haven't seen her all but passing by in the halls at the house" I felt a tear go down my face and I wiped it off but another one followed,

A--"Umm, excuse me." I went to get up, but a hand on each thigh stopped me,

L--"Hey, everything is fine, okay?"

S--"We can make plans for just you girls or all the girls to do something, okay?" I nodded my head, and I looked up at everyone, and my eyes turned white, and I know trouble is near. I stand up and start walking towards the door, and that is when I hear a howl. I started saying a chant while holding my hand up again, and I felt my eyes practically beam brighter.

A--"I put up a ten minute barrier."

S--"Aria, come up here."

L--"We have no clue whether this is the war the moongoddess spoke of or this is before that, but we need to finish the bond so our pack will be stronger"

A--"What do you mean stronger?" They continued getting the stuff ready while we heard them trying to break in and

S--"When we do this ball, the king's and queen have to give up half of their power to start the process of us taking over so our pack is half what it was yesterday" I nod and held out my hand and Leo and Silas both took their knives and sliced the palm of my hand and I winced while watching some blood trickle into the bowl and I did the same to my mates then their mom and down quickly said their speech,

W--"Will you three be joined in ruling our kingdom?"

A--"I do."

L--"I do."

S--"I do."

T--"Do your promise to always lead in time of war, the time of peace, and the time of mourning? "

A--"I do."

L--"I do."

S--"I do."

A--"Do you promise to give your life to save your pack?"

A--"I do."

L--"I do."

S--"I do." I suddenly felt power, and I see the worry go off of every person's face in the ballroom. I grab ahold of the stand and take a deep breath,

R--"Honey, just stand there for just a second. You are going to feel a lot different." I nod, but then we hear somebody yell from outside, and that is when I realize and gasped it's is them.... Gabe and Wes.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now