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We had been back for an hour and I went to the royal closet thing where they fit me for a dress and I was getting my beautiful blue and gold dress fitted and I smile running down the diamonds on the dress.

R--"That was always my favorite."

A--"Huh?" I turned seeing my mates mom standing at the door with my mom, and I smiled at her then realized that she must have told them to redo all dresses in my size,

A--"Thank you."

R--"You're welcome honey, I know that sometimes when we go out and shop, it doesn't always end up good, so I wanted these to be altered for you and some new additions to every dress but this one it was just to pretty to make any changes too,

A--"I agree." I said, turning back around and the women putting the hemming pins down saying that I was done so I could go get changed.

Once I was done, I walked out and saw them still in the room, and I asked them m,

A--"Do I have to go to a meeting or anything?"

R--"Nope, we just wanted to talk to you." I nod my head and sit down,

E--"We heard about what my sons did this morning."

A--"How did you find out?"

R--"We heard from Silas literally all morning, and then when Daisey mindlinked them, he went crazy." I looked down, and my eyes teared up,

A--"I don't know what happened, one minute he was fine feeding on me and then next he was up pacing the room, I don't know what I did, I don't know if I did something to him or not, he won't talk, touch, our hell even be in the same room as me, you should have seen how he was in the car."

E--"Maybe you should go make them talk, demand them sit down and talk." I think about it and then nod my head, standing up, saying a quick bye, then walking out.

I walk down the stairs, and I see them standing there talking to Noah,

A--"I need to talk to you right now, both of you." I walked up the stairs not waiting on them, but I know they will follow, I heard Noah say something about them being wiped.

I sit down on their office chair, and they walk in and sit on their side of the desk.

A--"So how does one go about talk business?"

L--"Aria, you are not business."

A--"Sure, how about we start talking, Leo?" He sighs, and Silas spoke up and said,

S--"You're about to go into your heat."

A--"My what?"

L--"Heat, it is when you are most viable for breeding"


S--"And it was hard for me to control myself... still is" he looked me up and down and I said,

A--"Well, all you had to do is say that."

L--"That's not all."

S--"You also have this new power running through you along with your blood turning sweeter from your heat." I started to sweat all of a sudden, and I stood up, saying,

A--"I'll be back. I need some air." I heard them both groan, and u went to turn around when I was grabbed by the hips, and my pants were pulled down, but nothing came.

S--"Shit, no, this is why I stayed away from you all day. I almost can't control myself."

A--"Do it Silas, fuck me" all of the sudden I fall to the ground from the burning in my lower stomach,

A--"Shit..." I groan out in pain,

S--"Silas since you have more control right now maybe you should take her to our room and lock the door"

A--"No I meant what I said, do you think I am scared of getting pregnant? No, I have already been pregnant, so bring it on." I rolled over on my back and wiggled my pants all the way down them sat up pushing them down and taking off my t-shirt and I laid back down and bending my legs up and spreading them so they can see what belong to them.

I had another heat and pain shoot through my lower stomach, and I said,

A--"Ohhh please, please fuck me, I want both of you cocks so bad" I groan out in pain and I see Leo walking towards me but quickly took a step back and shake his head and all of the sudden I was dizzy and in our bedroom, that is when I realized that they brought me to my room and I bear the lock on the door turning and I think of what I did and I blush quickly standing up but falling back down on the bed and grunting at the pain in my lower stomach and back.

After a few minutes, I was sweating, shaking, and in pain. I finally pulled myself off the bed and into the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes and stepping into the shower and having to sink down sitting on the floor after turning on the water and I cry from the pain and the humiliation of what I had done but I need something to take my mind off of everything.

I listened to all of the different voices around the house until I heard both my mates voices, and I was suddenly calm.

I just listen to them talk and I don't notice that I had been sitting in here for as long as I have until I heard them say something about me feeling cold through their bond and I quickly open my eyes and I notice that the water has started to get freezing cold and I was shaking not from the pain but the cold and I slowly get up and lean on the wall for support when the door burst open and I see that it is my mates and I immediately look down and cover my body the best that I can with my hands.

L--"Why are you so cold, Princes?"

S--"Baby girl? Why are you covering yourself from us?"

A--"P-Please go back to your office or your other bedrooms, or wherever you were, I am fine"

L--"Prin-"I gasped in pain, and I turned around and turned the water back on, and I slid down to the ground and sit there still covering myself up and the pain slowly subsided but the shivers came back, I sigh turning the water off and sit there for a second before getting up again and went to walk but the pain cam back with a force unlike the times before and I drop to the floor and gasped clenching my haw closed.

I opened my eyes and felt them shining brightly, I looked up at my mates before looking away again and said,

A--"You can go. Seriously, I am okay. Just can you hand me a towel before you race off?" A towel was handed to me, and I wrap it around me still sitting there thinking, maybe they don't want kids? Maybe they just don't want kids with me? What if they think my body can't hold a baby? What if they think something I did killed our baby?

S--"STOP, stop thinking those things, you are perfect, and we know you didn't do anything with our last baby stuff just happens."

L--"As for us wanting babies, we do. We just want to make sure you are completely sure and not clouded by lust."

A--"I was completely sure we would have had a baby still knside me if my body didn't fuck up so I am not scared of getting pregnant, in fact I would love to bare your guy's children but you didn't want me in your office and that is fine, I will be fine as soon as some of the pain from my heat subsides"

S--"Fuck it" he walks to me bending picking me up and carrying my into our bedroom and he laid me down on the bed flat on my back but I had to hurriedly rolled to my side and sat in a fetal position and when the pain passes I look up and see my mates looking at me naked on either side of the bed and I slowly roll back to my back and let them decide on what to do tonight. But before they could even do anything I was gasping for air and passing out.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now