Back To Normal or Not

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The guys were treating me with kid gloves, and it was driving me crazy, but I don't say anything because finally, I am going back into actual school and not doing it from home.

I was getting dressed, and I was beyond stressed because I couldn't find a single pair of jeans that fit me, and all of my leggings were dirty because that was all I had been able to wear. I cuss loudly throwing another pair of pants away, picking up another pair of jeans when my hands were grabbed in another's.

S--"Hey, look at me, you have to calm down." I sigh, looking up at him and said,

A--"All I wanted was to look cute for you and Leo, and I can't do that in freaking sweats."

L--"You're always beautiful." Leo said, walking in and handing me a pair of one of his sweatpants, and I smile, taking it from him pulling them up and with the size of my thighs they fit tighter so I looked up at Silas asking him,

A--"Can I use one of you black t-shirts?" He nods, taking off his leather jacket, taking off his shirt, handing it to me, and I smile again, happy to have a shirt that smells like one of them, it calms me. I threw on my shirt and tucked it in, and I went over to my jacket part and grabbed a jean jacket, throwing it on along with my white nikes.

A--"Hair up or down?"

L--"Any way you're comfortable" I nod and walked over to the mirror and pulling my hair up into a messy bun and I turned already had done my makeup so I am good when it comes to that.

A--"All done"

S--"Like Leo said earlier, you look beautiful all the time, but something about knowing your pregnant, it makes me want to take you over and over again." He said while walking to me, and when he finished his statement, he brought me in for a passion filled kiss, and as soon as our mouths broke apart, I was pulled into another one. I moan I to the kiss, feeling really turned on right now.

After we finished our moment and I was walking out and grabbing my phone I feel like somebody is watching me, I turned around looking out the back door finding nobody there but I swore it felt like somebody was looking at me.

S--"What's wrong?"

A--"Nothing." I smiled when I turned around, grabbing my phone and bag, following them down the stairs and out to the car. It was quiet for a while, and I asked,

A--"Can we go somewhere to get something to eat? I threw up my breakfast."


A--"Ummm, yes, that is fine." I really wanted Subway, but I am not making them hurry when we are already going to be close to being late for school.

S--"We can make it to Subway if I park at school, then run back to Subway." I sigh, looking at him with pointed eyes, and he sighs,

S--"Listen, I know I told you I would stop reading your mind as much, but I want you to be happy." I sighed again, looking down at my hands, and finally said,

A--"That would be great, thank you!" He pulled into school with twenty minutes to spare, and we all got out, and while Silas ran off, both me and Leo walked to their table, and I sat down not feeling good again,

D--"Are you okay, Aria?"

A--"Yeah, I'm just not feeling good this morning." I felt like puking,

A--"I am going to throw up." I got up and thank everything there is a trash can around the back of the school right on the corner, so I don't have to go that far and I barely made it there, and I throw up whatever I could possibly have in my stomach. My hair was being held up, and I knew it was Leo, so I relaxed and when I looked into the trash spitting one last time before standing up getting a pain in my lower stomach worse than the other day and I hunch over when I heard a guy I thought I would never hear again... Gabe, my ex-crush and friend. I looked up and said,

A--"Why are you here?" I asked sternly and hunched over, and Leo squated in front of me, and I asked him,

A--"Please make him go away." I fell to the ground,

A--"I need him to leave." I said, trying to show my hatred for him. Also, I don't want him to see what is about to happen to me,

L--"Go, Gabe, we will talk about whatever you need to later." All of a sudden, the pain let up, and I felt... empty, I looked down, and I saw that my sweatpants were wet like I peed myself. I drop my hand, and when I bring my hands up, I see bright red on my hand and my breathing got really bad and I felt like my whole body was having a panic attack before I suddenly see dark.


I jumped awake from a very bad dream about Gabe killing me and my baby. I looked around, and my monitor started beeping differently,

S--"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

L--"You need anything? Water, crackers?" I shake my head no and look down, not feeling any kind of movements and I don't feel sick like that, I am just sore and feel really.... empty.

A--"What happened?" They looked at each other and hesitated, and I know they have been crying, which is bad news, I look up at the pack hospital room ceiling and say while letting the tears fall freely,

A-"Our baby didn't make it?" It was quiet, and I was crying harder now and nodded my head,

A--"What do we do now?"

S--"They said something about a cleaning of your uterus. I think these are the right words, I am sorry it was really hard to comprehend everything as it was happening. It's so you don't get a really bad infection." I nodded my head, and I asked quietly,

A--"Did they already do one on me?"

L--"Yes, they did. In fact, they didn't really give us an option in the matter." I nod my head, and I let the tears flow the rest of the way. I went to turn a little on my side, but I was uncomfortable, and I just sat back, looking up at the ceiling trying hard to keep the sob in that I was trying so hard to not let come out. I bring my hands up to my face, rubbing my face up and down finally not able to stop the sob coming out of my mouth and I felt my mates on either side of me hugging me until I pass out from crying so much.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now