Waking up 18+

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I was still asleep just I swear something was licking me on my belly and wrist it felt so good and I let out a moan and I opened my eyes thankfully it wasn't really sunny in our bedroom.

I looked down and saw Silas licking up my arm until he reached my shoulder, and Leo was licking from the valley between my breast all the way down to my belly button. I bit my lip, afraid to ruin the moment if I move, talk, or let any sound out.

S--"Morning baby girl." he said in a husky voice, and I tense,

A--"Morning" They went to retract from me, and I whined,

A--"Please, don't stop."

L--"We have to, baby. We talked about training last night." I looked out the window, and I see it is raining,

S--"That's why we did this." he licked the spot by the nap on my neck, and I let out a small moan

L--"You wouldn't wake up first us, so we went option b."

A--"Well, go get everyone ready. I have to take care of something. " they look at me with a knowing look,

A--"Don't look at me like that your the ones that want to rush out for practice this early when we have the rest of the day" as I was saying that I let my hand go under the blankets and when I gathered some of my slick in both hands and reached out grabbing both of their cocks at the same time, I am so glad we took a last minute shower last night, we all just got in completely naked.

Their heads were thrown back until both of their turned their beautiful natural eyes, I know that Silas is hungry and Leo is itching to shift, so this is seeing how much they can control themselves.

S--"Fuuuuck, get on your hands and knees."

A--"Mmmnnn, yes, sir." I was turned on my his deeper voice. I get on all fours, and I spread myself a little more so they can both see me. I heard more groans, and with vamp speed, he entered me without any prep, and it was so fast he almost thrusted me off the bed. I fell onto the bed, and after I calmed down, Leo said,

L--"Up Princess" I got up, and he put pillows between my belly and the bed to help support me so I know this is going to be a great time. He thrusted again at vamp speed. He has only done this one other time, and I loved it.

A--"Ohhh, don't stop." When he pulled back and was about to thrust at vamp speed, I pushed back at the same time as he thrusted in me, I screamed out in pleasure. After that one, I let him do it himself, and he was going faster and harder, and I was a mess.

A--"I am about to cum" I have already came once but this one felt almost over powering I even felt a tear fall down my cheek. He raised me up by lacing his fingers through my hair and tugging me and the change in the angle and his fingers running through my hair, I was about to cum at just that but he started to trusted then pulled my head to the side and I gasped when he bit me right in his mark and I was done I moaned out his name for everybody to hear and when I was done he licked his spot and groaned releasing in me making me moan as I feel him filling me.

He pulled out of me, and I looked back and saw Leo literally sweating and trying to get himself off, I said, still trying to catch my breath,

A--"Have you not -" he stopped my sentence,

L--"No, umm, but I can go to the bathroom and try and finish." I think he thought he bothered me, but I quickly grabbed his hand and said,

A--"Finish in me"

L-"No baby, you look very sore." I sigh, feeling sad he doesn't want to,

S--"Leo she-"

A--"No, Silas, if he doesn't want to, it's fine." I grab his hand and bring it to my entrance, and I say,

A--"At least let me help you" I rubbed some of my slick and cum mixture and I tried not to moan so he doesn't feel bad but I was so sensitive I let go of his hand gripping the sheets in my grip putting my face against the bed to muffle the moan,

L--"Fuck" I felt my slick release,

A--"You don't have to just go to the bathroom if you want" as I said that I felt more, I start to sit up but I was entered before I could even think right and I let my body lay against the pillows and let him do his magic.

He was going so hard and fast in me that it took me by surprise. He is usually the one that takes things a little slower since he knots, but I am not questioning it, it feel phenomenal.

He kept thrusting, and I was so close and sensitive. I loved how they made me feel each time they made love to me

A--"Shiiit Leo I am about to cum" he grunt then goes faster and I feel him swell in me and I moan when he reaches full knot size and I explode moaning loudly for everyone to hear. Suddenly, I feel him release in me with a loud groan. I was catching my breath, and I rested my head against the bed,

A--"This is going to be fun training today." I shifted and laid down on my back. I slowly get up after resting for a couple of seconds more, and I see them just staring at me,

A--"What's wrong?"

L--"You're beautiful"

S--"We are so lucky to have you." I blush, then walk to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, showering, and getting dressed for the day. I threw my hair in a messy bun because I didn't wash it, so I don't double wash it since I usually bathe after practice is over. I walk out and see my mates ready and freshly showered and I bite my lip but before any thoughts pop up I walk towards the door and I felt a slap on both butt cheeks and I gasped turning around m,

A--"What was that for?"

S--"For this morning"

L--"Making us late"

A--"Don't be mad. You enjoyed it just as much as I did." I walked down the the stairs, my mates following me, and we see everybody crowding in the palace due to rain. I made my way to the kitchen and drank two protein shakes, had a fried egg sandwich, then walked out of the kitchen seeing everyone was walking out in the rain I sighed drinking the last drink I had and ate the last bite of my sandwich then followed behind my mates.

L--"Are you ready?"

S--"Reminding you were practicing with everyone"

A--"I'm good." I said while coding my head and walking out the door, and I stood in front of everyone along with my mates, and I smiled.

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