The Truth

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I was out of breath when I reached our house, but I couldn't stay in that house... mansion... castle whatever it was. I was pacing the living room floor, and as soon as they walked in, I said,

A--"You better start explaining." They looked at me and sighed,

O--"Chole up in your room, close the door, and if we catch you listening in, you will be in big trouble and grounded.

C--"I got it, dad." she took off, and as soon as the door closed, they looked at me, and mom said,

E--"Sit down, honey." Which I did, and they sat in front of me and looked at each other for a second.

O--"Your mom is a Witch, and I am a Warlock." I sat there for a second but started laughing all of a sudden then realization, and I asked,

A--"I-Is that why my eyes are a weird color?" They nodded their heads, and I feel tears start to well up.

O--"And that is why your eyes turned solid purple when you were crying after your ex-friends did what they did to you." I nod my head and get up from the couch,

E--"Honey, sit down. There are some other things we need to discuss tonight." I nod, feeling numb. Why did they lie to me for all these years, A tear fell, and they looked at me with sympathy,

O--"There are such things as vampires, werewolves, and so on." All I could do is nod, not shocked that they were real since witches were real.

E--"And there is such a thing called a mate, as in soul mate, usually you will only have one mate to be destined with, but occasionally there will be a person who will get more than one mate" I nod and stand up and walking up the stairs not wanting to hear anything else they have to say.

I walked into my room and immediately started to cry well, more like sob. I sit down on my floor and look in the mirror, and that is when I look at my eyes and see that they are bright purple and I scoot all the way back until I hit my back on my bed and I sit there in shock how do I turn it off, will they stay that color forever.

In The Morning:

I was still staring at my reflection in the mirror, I didn't get an ounce of sleep. I heard my door open, and in walked my mom,

E--"Oh honey." she rushed over, and I just looked back at the mirror at my bright purple eyes and they won't go away, I stand up as my mom was about to put her arms around me and walked into my closet grabbing a pair of jogger sweatpants and one of my hoodies and a t-shirt I quickly took off yesterday's dress throwing them on and putting my Nikes on.

I walked into my bathroom, throwing my hair up in a bun and wiping my face off and brushing my teeth. I walked back out and saw that my eyes were still purple. I sighed, grabbed my sunglasses, phone, and bag, walking out of my room, and down the stairs I went as I was walking out the front door. My mom said,

E--"Just try to relax and close your eyes, then they will go back to your normal color, and please eat something."

A--"How do you expect me to calm down after my parents lied to me for 18 years? And no, I have no time for food." I walked out of my house quickly, throwing my sunglasses on before everyone thinks I am a freak along with being the school's fat kid.

When I reached school, everyone looked at me, and I just looked down until I sensed somebody looking at me and I raised my head and see the brothers looking at me and I stilled until they started to get up and I fast walked into the school and into my first class and I see the teacher,

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now