Training in The Rain

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I looked around. I have already beaten five medium-sized and medium talent, but I really want somebody that I can take on, and I get a good idea.

A--"Come mates, let's do it." I smiled, walking to the pit. It's just a place where we like sparing with someone it is a square about two inches into the ground and is like a basketball court material. I reached down, taking my soaked t-shirt off and throwing it to the side, leaving me with high raised leggings, a sports bra, and workout shoes. I love rainy days, but when we train in it, I hate it.

S--"Only fair baby girl." They took their shirts off, and I see they both had scratched on their arms, I blush and look at both of them, seeing them both in different spaces of their arms,

A--"How did I even... are you sure they are from me?"

L--"Oh, princess, I can vouch for that." I blush, and I look around and see everybody looking at us whistling at us, smirking, or just genuinely happy they are with somebody they like. They were about to step in when I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again,

Z--"Me and Wendy want to fight you for the crown."

A--"What did both of your guys do? Get tired and say goodbye?"

W--"They are just too busy right now, so we came over and are taking what is rightfully ours." They walked over to my mates and were about to touch them, and I heard growling all around me from our pack, and I saw them cowering down but still said,

Z--"Yes, Wendy is right. We are just taking our rightful spot on the throne and our mates."

A--"Please step away from my mates because I won't fight fair, and let's not forget you are banned from our lands, Wendy, so I can rightfully do whatever I want to you, say if I want to break a finger" I raise my hand closing my hand in a fist while looking at her finger and I heard her gasp and clutch her hand but I quick say heal in the native language I learned and she sighed feeling much better.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being chocked. I gasped for air, and I looked up, seeing her chanting, and I said one single word in my native tongue to stop it, and she looked up shocked and I motioned for them to come to me and we started to circle each other before the rules even began being said.

S--"You must fight to win. When the opponent is done, you must get up and go."

L--"You must fight fair, no powers, no wolf powers, no royal powers, if you are being caught doing one of these things your opponent will be in charge of the punishment"

S--"If you agree to these rules, say I"




None of us took the leap in going first, so I took my time evaluating both of them for weakness, which Wendy is all around clumsy, while Zoe she had mentioned in one of her stories long ago she had a previous knee injury from falling when she was at a younger age, well even if that was even the truth. Wendy came at me first. I dodged her hit and shoved her down on the ground, making her whine,

A--"Hmm, I thought you were a wolf, not a cat. Sorry, my mistake, you were just whining like one." She gets mad and starts to lunge at me the exact same time Zoe does, and one manages to land one on my jaw before I get a few good punches and kicks in there myself and they were both sitting on the mat while I circle them and they get up and lunge at me and they manage to get one behind me and they get me in a choke hold while one was punching me left and right until I couldn't take it anymore and I heard my mates voice in my mind something about not saying anything crazy just fight and be done which your about too if you headbutt Wendy  behind you.

I sigh, knowing they are right. I punched Zoe two really hard times and headbutt Wedy behind me who was holding me in a chokehold where I couldn't breathe. They both fell on the mat passed out.

A--"Can I have a warrior, please?" One guy walked up to me, and I asked him,

A--"Do you mind taking these two out of our territory for me? About maybe two miles out and dump them somewhere away from here?"

Warrior -"Yes, Luna, what should I do if they wake up?" I was confused,

Warrior -"Sorry Luna, the only way I hurt women is in battle that are trying to kill me or practicing but I would never just punch a girl." I sigh when I feel the headache start from headbutting fucking Wendy. I nod, and I look around, and I see a girl beside Daisey with red hair and tattoos all over her,

A--"Are you a warrior?" She nodded and bowed her head to me, and I said,

A--"Do you mind riding with him to get rid of these girls?" She nods again

Warrior -"Yes ma'am"

A--"Thank you." she bows again, and when I look up, I see Zoe looking around, and I walk over to her and punch her again real hard, sending her back into sleep.

I turned back around and saw Wes was the only one who was standing there looking at me intently.

S--"We said leave Wes don't cause trouble." Wes glanced over at them but brought his eyes right back to me, and I looked at my mates, and walled to them and they shielded me and I was confused but then I looked down remembering I had took only my sports bra on thinking I was going to fight them but instead I had to fight two freaking girls that piss me off.

A--"Sorry, I forgot." I covered my chest with my arms, so Wes wouldn't keep staring at me.

L--"You have nothing to be sorry for."

S--"This is your home, now leave Wes before we banish you off our land too." he quickly  leaves, and I have arm wrap around me from both sides

A--"I really am sorry, I completely forgot I have my shirt off, I just took that off to distract you guys, but that didn't end up happening" they smirk at me before walking me into the house where I took some ibuprofen for my headache, and took care of Mt cuts on my knuckles and had a busted lip.

After that, my parents and their parents wanted to take us out to dinner, and we all went and had a great time. The warriors made their way back home safely after dropping the girls at somebody's house. We were on our way home, and I was happy to hang out with my mom and dad again it was great catching up with them since I feel like we don't see each other with all of this training is going on.

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