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We all didn't rest until it was around eight o'clock amd I was eating yet another protein bowl and drinking a protein shake I sigh feeling like I was going to puke from all the stuff I have had to eat,

A--"After this, I will be going on a diet." I ate the last bite, trying not to puke.

S--"You are perfectly fine just the way you are." I looked at him with a really, are you serious look,

A--I have gained five pounds in three days."

L--"Aria." he said in a serious tone, and I looked at him,

L--"You are fine." I sighed, looking down at my protein shake, taking the last drink, and curling up beside my mates when suddenly my eyes started glowing, and I immediately got to,

A--"Mindlink everyone and tell everyone to get ready." Everyone got up and started working on what we have trained nonstop for the past twenty-four hours to accomplish, I walked into our bedroom and quickly got dressed and got my gun that they trained me to use since I am still in a human type body. I strapped it to my holster when I saw something in front of me, and I saw another gun,

S--"Just in case."

L--"It will keep us a little more at peace." I smiled, grabbed it and strapped it in, and then walked over, grabbing a pain pill that the doctor prescribed me yesterday so I could fully focus on my job here today. I closed my eyes, placing my hand on my belly, and the memory flashed through my head of this morning,


I wiped my mouth and leaned back against the wall when I heard the timer go off and I slowly got up from the floor and I close my eyes for just a second before opening my eyes and looking at all three test and each one said.... pregnant, and I puke once again, but I know I have a duty, and I have to finish this war.

Flashback over:

I open my eyes, and I feel a body in front of me and behind me, and I look up, and I hear Leo say in front of me,

L--"Why are you crying, princess?" I opened my mouth but was stopped when my sister rushed in,

C--"Sorry, but guys, they are here, and there are a lot of them." I nod, and I look back about to just say it, but another person ran in,

Boy--"Sir's ma'am we are ready." we all nodded and started walking down the hallway, and I heard the try to break through my barrier, but they couldn't with how strong I am versus the other night.

S--"Men get ready"

L--"Everyone shift" everyone shifts on demand and I see my sister out of the corner of my eye and I point to the vult door and she huff and puffs but goes in there, I just worry because she hasn't practiced at all.

I see everyone has shifted all but the vampires side of our pack, me, and my family. I looked up, and my eyes met with both of my mates, and I gave them a shaky smile and raised my hand in the air, and snapped my fingers while saying I love you through our mind link.

It happens all so fast. It was like everyone was in slow motion, and we were all fighting until I felt a presence coming from the right of me, and I raised my hand, doing the spell snapping the wolf's neck while walking more into the room and I was immediately caught in a fight with a shifted enemy but I quickly put him down.

I grab my gun, deciding to save as much energy as I can just in case everything gets extremely bad for us. I started doing what I was trained to do.

S--"How are you doing, baby girl?" I wait until I shoot, and the body falls to the floor,I answe him back with a,

A--"Yep, good."

L--"Good now, keep going, Princess." I smiled and punched the wolf in its face as it was going to try biting me. I then see three circling me, and I hold my hand up and say in my native language, I raise them up off the ground and snap their necks.

What I didn't expect was to be grabbed from behind, their arm went around my neck, and my air was running low, and  my fighting instints kicked in, and I jabbed whoever it was in the ribs a couple of times hard enough for them to loosen their grip on me and I punch them in the face a couple times making them pass out and I fall to the ground feeling the overwhelming hurt in my stomach area I look up and see my mates had been fighting Wes and Gabe and both had slahed open my mate as stomach I gasped but when I started crying and yelling no really loudly I see Zoe doing magic to make my mates weak so they would loose.

I raise from the ground holding my belly, I will not let them die with them, not knowing they are going to be dad's. I raised my hands and started chatting, and by the time I was done saying my spell I open my eyes and I see all the enemy dead on the lawn and I quickly rush to my mates and I fall down between them and started crying,

A--"Please, please, please stay with me." Leo's eyes were closed, but let out a cough griping his stomach, and Silas was looking at me with a tear rolling down his cheek, and I shook my head looking at him and say,

A--"You can't leave me, you hear, I need you, please you know I found out today we are going to be parents, okay I can't do this without you please stay with me" he gave .e a small smile, and so did Leo with his eyes still closed, then the grip they had holding my hands slowly let go, and I started sobbing and I looked up at my pack and I see everybody kneeling and started chanting,

A--"No, No, No, Noooooooo" I scream until I pass out from the hurt, from the feeling, I couldn't feel them, and I don't know what I am going to do without them.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now