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I sat there on my hospital bed, feeling... numb. I have been able to avoid my parents and theirs, I just feel so bad because I am the only person in the palaces family tree have lost a baby and I keep thinking what if I am not able to have anymore? What if I can only give one of my mates a baby because I have already lost one of theirs?

L--"Princess?" I look up and wipe my tears away and slowly stand up, walking towards my mates and letting them walk out before me.

When we were walking out of the hospital and everybody who helped me the couple of days I was here was waving at me goodbye, and I fought tears and gave them a small smile trying to make it genuine but I kept thinking how these people are the ones that helped me get better from losing my baby which grew faster than a regular pregnancy which mean technically I was supposed to be in the clear but with my placenta being weak from the start it was going to be a hard pregnancy and I should have been more careful.

I sat down in the car, and when Silas shut the car door, I laid my head against the window and closed my eyes, feeling the tears roll down my face and I held my stomach, I had only knew for a short amount of time but in that amount I loved our baby with so much love.

S--"Baby girl, we are home." I opened my eyes and realized that it was only a short drive from the pack hospital to here. I wipe my face and finally step out of the car, and I keep my head down, I feel some people eyes on me, but I ignore them and continue to walk. I have yet to see my family or his, and I am not ready for them to talk to me.

We walk into the house, and I see everyone sitting there, and I pause when everyone's eyes are on me. I sigh, walking towards the stairs, really needing a shower. I heard my mates talking to everyone but not listening to what they were actually saying.

I walked up into our bedroom, heading straight for the bathroom, quickly stripping down to nothing, and I looked at myself in the full-length mirror for a long time, holding my belly thinking of what was in it just a couple days ago but now is not. I wipe the tear off my face before looking back up seeing my eyes glowing white and I panic a little stepping back from the mirror but not feeling like talking to anybody I quickly look away and step in the hot water.

I had already washed my body and hair but I didn't feel like getting out yet so I just stand there for a while but must have been longer than I thought from the way the twins came in the bathroom looking worried,

S--"Baby girl, step out of the water, please."

A--"Why?" First thing I said in a while, so my throat felt a little scratchy, but I powered through it,

L--"At first, the water was so hot that we felt the burning sensation through our link, but then all of a sudden, it was as cold as ice." I nodded my head and walked out of the water, turning it off and then walking out, quickly drying off before throwing on my robe.

I walked into my closet, grabbing underwear, sports bra, sweatpants, and sweatshirt, throwing everything on before grabbing my shoes and throwing them on. I walked back into the bathroom, throwing my wet hair up in a bun before saying,

A--"I am going to go train."

L--"Would you like us to go with you?"  I looked between them and shook my head, no giving them a small smile, saying,

A--"I just want a few alone moments." They nod, and I walk out of our room and down the stairs to see nobody in there. I walked down the back hallway to the room they made specifically for me, and I opened the door seeing none of my family in there, so I was in the clear. I walked in and walked straight to my spell book. Well, the ones I need to learn.

I open it to the harder ones that I am supposed to be working on now since I covered all of the small and medium spells already. I started whispering the spell, holding my hands up, and closed my eyes. After a few seconds of chanting the spell, I opened my eyes to see how big the tornado I made just in case of a battle, and I felt my eyes had turned a different color but I don't let that bother me and I kept twirling my hands around chanting the spell until I heard my mates behind me,

S--"Aria!" I dropped my hands and went to turn around, and the wind died down to a stop behind me, and they gasped when they saw me, and next thing I know, I am falling to the floor and my eyes closing before slowly passing out.

M--"Good afternoon, Aria."

A--"W-who are you? Where am I?"

M--"I am the moon goddess, and I have a few things to tell you before my sleeping spell wears off, okay?" I nod my head, not saying anything, and she continues,

M--"Okay first of all, I wanted to warn you that your powers are going to be a lot more powerful, you are going to be getting... more gifts."


M--"I am your real mother, and please let me explain before you start freaking out. Me and my first mate loved each other just as every mated couple should, but something tragic happened when I went down to help one earth and after a while of being heart broken after my mates died, hundreds of years later at kind of like a king and queens meeting per say I found the leader of the witches and we ended up falling in love" he smile wanted to bring smiles on my face but right now I just figured out that she is my real mom so I feel like I have been hit with a dump truck.

M--"Anyways I have had many children some made it as alphas some not so lucky, but you, you are a gift from even higher than me, you father and me live each other very much even if it's not really allowed, but when we found out we were having a baby and it somehow got leaked we got danger coming from all directions but I want you to know that the biggest danger we faced are coming after you, that is why the palace is getting so many rogues there is a whole pack of rogues that want you dead because of how powerful you are" I sat there calmly taking everything in,

M--"After deciding what would be best for our baby we sent you to the wonderful family that couldn't get pregnant after years of trying, our time is running out but sweetie I am so proud of you, more than you ever will know, we can talk like this whoever you want I placed a book beside you on you night table it has in the back of the book an indent it contains a crystal use it whenever you need to talk okay?" I nod standing up walking towards here and I hugged her with all my might and I smiled up at her,

A--"I am not made at you or my real parents in fact I love all of you for doing what is best and for my parents to have a daughter after not being able to have a baby, and thank you for all the warnings I will be sure to tell my mates the danger that is coming, and exactly how powerful am I going to be from now on?

M--"Thank you honey that means more than you know, and to make it quick you have moon goddess and the strongest witch powers running through you, you are more powerful than you know and the book is from you father he couldn't be here today so next time he will be here and remember the war of the century is come for now my love goodbye" I was about to protest when I raised up from my slumber and said looking around me,

A--"The war is coming."

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