Chapter 1: Arriving at the Down under.

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I sat nervously on the plane as the lady on the speaker announced that we were to be landing in 5 minutes.

It was my first time being in Australia. I had always wanted to go and I was lucky that my mom could arrange it.

Her good friend that she met in college lived there, Gina Brooks, I would be staying with her and her 3 boys. I didn't really know much about them accept that two of them were the same age as me, and that the 3 of them were part of a group called the Janoskians.

Other than that I would be staying with complete strangers for a whole 6 months in summer. It would be my first summer in 2 years because in order to take this trip I had to go to summer school. But hopefully it will all pay off.

It was November 2nd and in Michigan it was winter. I hated Michigan winters, cold and endless. I would count down the days till spring when it would be warm again. But I didn't have to worry about that now, because in Melbourne it was in the 70s.

I would probably look like ridiculous getting off that plane dressed in 2 sweatshirts, long skinny jeans and boots. But whatever.

Suddenly, the lady's voice came over the speakers again brining me out of my thoughts. "We are now landing; please remain seated until told otherwise, thank you" she had a strong Australian accent.

I looked out the window it was night time. It seemed pretty late. I hope I'm not inconveniencing Gina.

The plane landed and I got off and waited at the airport looking for Gina, my mom had showed me a picture of her before.

"Lyla!!" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around. Gina was walking swiftly towards me with three tired looking boys. Gina gave me a warm hug. "It's so nice to see you again, you've grown so much!" She said releasing me from her embrace. "It's nice to see you too" I said smiling.

" Boys this is Lyla." Gina said. "Hey." One of them said. I surveyed him; he was wearing grey skinny jeans, dark blue vans and a Hurley t-shirt. He had a grey beanie on, and on his lip was a small silver lip ring. His eyes were a chocolate brown, and his hair was curly. "I'm Luke. "He said reaching his hand out to me with a gentle handshake.

The boy next to him was wearing a plain grey short sleeve shirt, athletic shorts, black vans shoes, and a Snapback that said Dope on it. His hands were in his pockets. He looked like he was falling asleep. Then he yawned making me yawn. "Sorry," he said ending his yawn. "I'm Beau." "But you can call him Beau bear if you like." The other boy cut in laughing. "I'm Jai." "Hi" I said to all of them.

"Are you hungry? That's a long plane ride." Gina said. "No I'm fine, just a little tired." I said. "Alright well let's get you home and unpacked." She said and we started to walk towards the doors of the air port.

Outside it was dark but I could still see its beauty, with exotic birds chirping and plants swaying in the light breeze. It was warm and I could smell the fresh sea that was not too far away.

"Never been to Australia aye??" Asked someone behind me, it was Luke I stopped walking for a second so he could catch up to me. "Nope." I said smiling. "It's pretty nice" he said looking at the ground. "Yeah seems like it, the only birds around where I live are pigeons." I laughed.

"Do you have sun there?" he asked. I laughed. Then I looked down at my arm and compared it to his. I was a pasty white color, while he was tan. "No I guess not." "We'll go to the beach tomorrow." Beau cut in. I nodded.

We got into the car and headed for their house. Beau sat in the passenger's seat, while Luke, Jai, and i sat in the back. It seemed so odd to me that the driver's seat was on the right, it just didn't seem normal.

After about 30 minutes Jai fell asleep and fell onto my shoulder, which I'll admit was a little uncomfortable.

I was pretty good at telling Luke and Jai apart, it was easy Luke was the one with the lip and nose piercing he also had a little freckle on his nose, and his hair was curlier, and Jai had a freckle on his cheek and his hair was straight.

"Want me to get him off?"Asked Luke. "No it's okay." I giggled. He smiled at me, those deep brown eyes looking into mine.

"Do you know where I'll be sleeping?" I asked him.

"Oh we'll set you a bed up in our closet, it's actually very comfortable." For a minute I believed him, and I think he noticed I did because he quickly said "No we've got a guest bedroom that no one ever uses, it's got a TV and everything."

"Okay." I laughed.

I took out my white iPhone 4S and clicked the home button making it glow. It was still set on Michigan time.

"Hey do you know what time it is?" I asked him.

"Yeah it's 12 am." He said. "Want me to reset your clock?"

"Sure." I replied and gave him my phone. He slid the unlock button.

"Password?" He asked smirking. "Oh right, its 0000." I said. "I'll remember that." He said entering the numbers. " I guess I'll have to change it then.." I laughed.

Luke changed the time zone on my phone then gave it back to me. Then we arrived at their house. I stood up to get out of the car and Jai fell over and woke up. I felt kind of bad, he looked so cute sleeping.

Their house was normal, like any other home. It wasn't spotless but wasn't dirty. A little white dog was sleeping on the sofa. "That's Lala." said Jai. "Aww." I said going to pet the dog.

"Okay boys," Gina yawned. "Will you please show Lyla her room?" "Sure mum" Beau said tiredly. Luke and Jai grabbed my luggage and Beau led me to the guest room. It was a bit larger than my room at home. The floor was carpeted and there was a nice window that gave a view of their back yard. There was a queen sized bed with a soft quilt on it and a small flat screen TV was on the wall. The room was very homey.

"Alright," Beau began. "You can put your clothes here," he showed me the wardrobe. Luke and Jai set my boat load of stuff down, where ever I go I never pack lightly. Then Beau opened the night stand drawer and handed me a remote. "And this is for the TV." He said. "Okay thanks." I said and I sat down on the bed.

"I've gotta get to bed."Beau yawned. "Nice meeting you Lyla." He said smiling and he walked out of the room leaving me Jai an Luke.

I just kind of sat there for a minute looking at them. Then finally Jai said "So....."

"So" I replied. Where was this conversation going? "We could watch a movie..." Luke suggested. "Sure, but I should probably put my clothes away, I'm gonna be here awhile and there's a lot of them." I said.

"You need any help?" Luke asked. I walked over to the pile of bags and suit cases. "Sure. We can start with this one." I unzipped it; it was full of all my day clothes, shorts, tank tops, t shirts, skinny jeans, and a few long sleeved shirts. I went to the wardrobe and opened the top drawer placing a few shorts neatly in it. Luke began to help me and Jai just stood there. Then he walked over to the pile and picked up one of the bags.

He unzipped it then he laughed, taking out some lacy light blue panties. "Cuuute" he chuckled. I laughed "You can put those in there" I said pointing to the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. We finally got all the clothes shoes and everything else in the wardrobe, it was 3 am and the boys looked exhausted. Jai said good night and went to bed.

"Still want to watch a movie??" Luke asked tiredly. "Okay what movie?" I asked. He went to his room then came back with Paranormal Activity 3 and put it in a DVD player that sat on a shelf beneath the TV. I went into the bathroom and put on a sports bra an old tee shirt and some sweatpants. Then I sat on the bed with Luke. He had already fallen asleep.

I turned the TV and DVD player off and gently laid on the bed trying not to wake him up. Then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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