Chapter 37: The Great Escape

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Lylas POV

"Lyla I'm worried, things don't seem to be going good over there, and I'm worried for your safety. You need to come home." My mother says in her soft tones.

I'm in shock. She knows how long I've wanted to go on this trip and 3 months is just not enough.

All I can get out is "No."

"Please Lyla; I think it's been long enough."

A single tear rolls down my cheek. "No, it's not. You told me I could stay for six months and I'm going too!" I'm yelling now.

"No Lyla you are coming home. Everyone misses you...." She pauses for a moment releasing a deep sigh. "I already have the plane tickets and I'll be flying in on Wednesday then you and I will leave on Friday."

I'm sobbing now I don't want to leave! I just basically got my mind back and my boyfriend and everything was going good now of course she has to ruin it! I'm not going to leave. I will get my six months, and I won't be here when she comes on Wednesday.

I immediately hang up on her in disgust.

I barge into Luke and Jai's room. Luke's lying on the top bunk, listening to music.

"What's wrong?" He whispers when he sees me.

I signal for him to come to my room, he follows and I shut the door behind him. Tears are continuously pouring out of my eyes.

I take a moment to collect myself.

"My mom...she's coming on... Wednesday and she wants to take me back to America with her."

"But I thought you had six months."

"I know...I will. But we can't be here on Wednesday."

"Where are we gonna go?" Asks Luke.

"I don't another country. We have money and we can easily get plane tickets by Monday. Then we can leave. Together."

He's looking at me, his brown eyes wide. He must think I'm insane.

"Just for a few weeks. Just long enough for her to get the clue that I'm serious about this and I'm not a child anymore. I turn 18 in 2 weeks."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I don't want to leave you. Not now. Not this soon. I just got my mind back." I laugh.

He gives me a small side smirk. "Alright. We'll plan the rest tomorrow."

Luke and I are running away.

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