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IN WHICH, Seo Y/n, the girl who's the troublemaker of ATZ high school. She keeps breaking rules like skipping classes, secretly uses her phone during class, dyed her hair and many more. And that doesn't make the student inspectors of the high school really happy, especially Choi Jongho.

Choi Jongho is the most strictest person among of them. Of course, he gonna keeps his eyes on every students. But unfortunately, he's in the same class with Y/n, which is... a very bad thing. The strict inspector and the stubborn rule breaker in the same class? Pfft... that gonna feel like hell for both of them.


"New hair color, yeah?" My best friend, Jung Wooyoung nudged my arm softly and playfully as he saw my dyed brown hair color. "Aren't you scare of Jongho? He definitely gonna kill you if he saw this" He chuckled.

I grinned confidently, "Don't worry, I'm sure that he's not gonna notice it"

"Are you sure? He's very strict and observant though" Said by the another one of my best friend who was standing beside me, Choi San. He seemed to worry about me so much because I've caused so many problems already.

"Right. Very opposite with his elder brother though" Wooyoung said, "His brother doesn't really care that much, even though he's also one of the student inspectors"

"Who?" I asked, didn't know that Jongho also has a brother. "Jeong Yunho. Not biological brother but like... he lives with Jongho's family. People call them '2ho' brothers and plus they both have a similar looking face" San repiled.

"The only differences between them are just their personalities and heights" San continued which made Wooyoung bursted out his laugh because of San's words, "True! True, Yunho is 10 times taller than Jongho" Wooyoung said, trying to not continue laughing.

"Aren't you shorter than Jongho, Woo?" I asked with sarcastic and playful tones. Wooyoung stopped laughing and frowned immediately. "Shut up, Y/n. Let's move on-"

"Yah" A sudden cold familiar voice came from behind us... which gave us a shiver down our spine immediately, shit... I gonna be so screwed. I quickly pulled my hoodie up on my head before turning myself around to face the voice's owner. "Oh heyyy.... Jongho..?" I smiled forcefully.

My 2 besties tried to block me from his sight so he won't see my hair but they were so dumb that they made it TOO obvious.

"Move. I already see her hair from far away" Jongho said. "Maybe you saw it wrong-" Wooyoung stopped talking when he saw Jongho's glare on him. If he continue, he surely would get split a half like an apple with Jongho's bare hands.

"Sorry" He moved away which made San moved too because he was also scare. I gave them a sign by pushing them away to let them know that they should go, they were hesitated at first but Jongho kept his cold eyes on them making them finally walked away.

As my friends already gone, Jongho stepped closer to me and pulled my hoodie down from my head to my shoulder, his eyes were full of disappointment but also used to this because of my troublemaker ass that always make him couldn't take a break.

He sighed quietly and took a small notebook and a pen out of his pocket to write my name down. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop breaking these goddamn rules, Y/n?"

"Maybe until we both finally graduated" I answered sarcastically.

His eyes went up to make a contact with me as I can feel how annoyed he got. "Such a pathetic words"

"Language, Choi. I'm older than you"

"Older but not mature enough"

His words started to make my blood boiled slowly. "Gosh.. you're so annoying, Choi Jongho"

He nodded sarcastically, "Maybe if you stop being a rule breaker, you wouldn't get annoy by me, Seo Y/n"

He nodded sarcastically, "Maybe if you stop being a rule breaker, you wouldn't get annoy by me, Seo Y/n"

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660 words

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