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"Y/nnieee, wanna meet our friends?" Wooyoung who was back hugging Y/n asked. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him "Your friends?"

"Yeah. Another group of our friends" San replied. Y/n pressed her lips and nodded "Alright. Don't make me disappoint" she chuckled. "We won't! They're friendly and fun to hangout with"

Y/n then sighed and nodded as a response.

After school. San and Wooyoung dragged her to the park of the school. As she looked around, her eyes landed on Jongho who was talking with bunch of strangers. Nah.. I don't want to meet him now.

"Hongjoong-ah!" Wooyoung shouted and waved at the person he called. Hongjoong? The guy that we met at the supermarket?

Wooyoung ran to the group, left Y/n and San there. "C'mon Y/n. Nothing to worry about" San looked at her with gentle smile, he gave her his hand so he can lead the way. She looked at him, regretting before grabbing his hand.

San brought her to the group and introduced her, even though everyone already knew about her.

The one with pretty looking, gave her his hand as a signal to shake hands "I'm Kang Yeosang. I'm the art student of the school", Y/n shook his hand "Art student of the school? Are you the one who won the 1st place?"

He nodded shyly and smiled. "Woah, what the hell? That's so cool" She then released his hand and looked at the one who looked like he wanted to introduce himself so much. He's very tall and has sharp thin eyes, he was smiling brightly before starting to introduce himself.

"I'm Min— Song Mingi" He scratched the back of his neck as he felt embarrassed from messing up a bit. "You look familiar, I think I've seen you on somewhere before. Are you the drummer of the music club?"

He raised his eyebrows "Oh? You know me?"

"Yeah? I think I've seen you somewhere playing an acoustic drum on the street with your band. You guys look really cool though", Mingi then chuckled softly and bowed his head a bit "Thanks"

"And I'm Kim Hongjoong" The one that looks tiniest among of them took his hand out "I'm the class president"

Mingi looked at him, judging "She doesn't need to know that", Y/n then chuckled awkwardly and shook Hongjoong's hand "Nice to meet you, Hongjoong"

"Nice to know you too" He smiled. "See? I told you that we won't disappoint you" Wooyoung wrapped his arm around her neck playfully and wiggled his eyebrows. "Right.. right" She nodded and turned her gazes toward Jongho who was staring at her from far away but not that far. He looked away immediately when he got caught from staring.

"Have you and Jongho make up yet?" Wooyoung asked quietly, she looked at him and shook her head "No, we haven't" Lied.

"Aww.. but I want to see my girl talk with her boy—", she slapped his arm with sarcastic smile "You should shut your mouth, Woo"

"Sorry ma'am"

She then looked at Yeosang who stood there, listening to his friends. He looks shy though, I should start a convo with him. She pulled Wooyoung's arm away and walked up to Yeosang "Hey"

"Oh— hey Y/n" He waved his hand softly. "Any plans as an art student?" She smiled gently.

"Well uhm.. nothing much. Get money and prizes from competitions, I guess" He chuckled. Y/n hummed as a response "Understandable because if I'm as good as you, my goal would be money too"

They both giggled. "Is it hard to be a competitor?" She asked him again as she was a bit interested in him.

"Quite a bit. I got a lot of pressure from people around but I know that I'm the best so.." He paused and looked at her "Sorry. That was cocky" He facepalmed himself and laughed softly which made her laughed too, "Nah, you're good. Confident is key"

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