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Saturday in the afternoon. Y/n was sleeping on the sofa after having her lunch, she didn't sleep enough last night actually.

Few minutes had passed as the house's bell suddenly rang. Y/n didn't wake up because she didn't hear it and plus, she's a deep sleeper as long as she fully sleeps.

And this time, the person who rang the bell, knocked the door instead "Y/n! Are you home?" A similar voice spoke up loudly as their voice went through her ears made her slowly opened her eyes. She sat up from the sofa and rubbed her eyes softly before trying to gather her consciousness of what was happening.

"Hello? Anyone home?" The voice spoke up again. Y/n turned her head at the door and stood up, her vision was blurry from her sleepiness, she even almost tripped on her walk too.

She reached for the door knob and opened it slowly, the outside of her house was bright and blurry, she squinted her eyes so she can look at the person who was standing in front of her more clearer.

Of course, it was Choi Jongho

"Ah, Jongho" She said with her sleepy voice "Come in" She moved back to the sofa. Jongho closed the door and went sat next to her.

"Just woke up?" He stared at her as she was rubbing her eyes softly, "Yeah.. I took a nap"

Her rubbing was too long which it scratched Jongho's brain "Yah, don't rub your eyes too much" He moved closer and grabbed her wrists gently to stop. She looked at him as she could see a dead seriousness in his eyes "It will ruin your sight. I already told you this"

Y/n sighed at his dad behavior as she eventually stopped like he told her to. Jongho finally released his grip after she stopped.

The situation was quiet but not in awkward or tense way though. It was comforting and peaceful which made they both realized that they are getting more closer that they can just sit there for a hour without uncomforted feeling unlike back then.

"Ah, right" Y/n broke the quietness "I invited San and Woo here too, they might be lat—"

"Y/NNIE!" Wooyoung's voice shouted loudly as he bursted in the house with San and of course, Y/n jumped in shock while Jongho sat there, unbothered but quietly laughed at Y/n's reaction.

Wooyoung ran up on her and hugged her tightly, he gave her a peck on her cheek platonically which made Jongho disgusted because he hates skinship, he only likes it from Y/n if being honest. "Yah! Not fair!" San quickly walked to Y/n and pecked the side of her head in platonic way.

Jongho turned his head away from the horror scene. "Jongho, do you want some?" Wooyoung jokingly asked with smirk. That question made Jongho quickly turned his head to Wooyoung and shook his head firmly as a no.

"He finds you disgusting, Woo" San joked. Wooyoung flashed his death glare to his best friend in annoyance.

"Don't fight" Y/n spoke up and pushed them both away from her, "Y/nnie!" They both said, pouty.

She facepalmed softly which made Jongho giggled, "Alright so.. any plans?" She asked while crossing her arms.

Wooyoung immediately smiled "Yes! So like I listed a note of what we should do today. Firstly, we gonna play any type of games. Secondly, cook food or order it from apps. Thirdly, watch movies and lastly, go back home or sleepover"

"Sounds like a nerd" Y/n said jokingly, "Shut up, Y/n" Wooyoung pouted as it made Y/n laughed softly.

"Okay sorry but sleepover? You two gonna sleep here today?" Tilted her head curiously.

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