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THE AMUSEMENT DAY. The group of teenagers stood in front of the carousel as they were discussing pairing up partners to hangout. Wooyoung was the host, who had a plastic box of number papers in his hands.

"Hyung. Since.. you're the oldest here, do you want to pick a paper first?" Wooyoung asked Seonghwa who was standing next to Yunho. Yes, they both came here too since Hongjoong forced Jongho to invite his brother and his brother's bestfriend which was.. pretty awkward for Jongho.

Seonghwa stepped out with his hand reaching out for the box. He glanced at Wooyoung's face before picking a random paper up and stepped back to unfold it then looked at the number all by himself.

"Don't tell anyone yet. Okay, next! Yunho hyung"

Time passed by as everyone got their own numbers. If they got the same numbers that means they will become partners. San got Mingi, Yeosang got Wooyoung and Hongjoong got teamed up with the hyungs since the group had odd people. And what a destiny that Jongho got paired up with Y/n.

Wooyoung decided to make everyone pair up so when they played a ride together, they could just sit next to each other without choosing because it would be too chaotic if everyone kept changing their seatmate.

"Alright. Should we start with haunted house, everyone?" Wooyoung asked. San and Mingi lightly pushed him when they heard his suggestion. "Yah! We didn't plan to go to the haunted house, did we?" San asked with nervousness because he hates scary things.

Wooyoung grinned "If I tell you guys, you won't come with me so... let's go guys!" He walked away happily and everyone else started to follow him except Jongho and Y/n who were standing still from behind.

Y/n sighed out "Damn.. haunted house? Already?", Jongho looked at her, unbothered "It sounds fun though"

"Because you like it and I don't" She grumbled. He chuckled and grabbed her forearm "Don't be a coward. Let's go before they suspect us"

As the giant haunted house was in front of them. It looked scary and terrify more than they expected. "Woah.. isn't this too scary?" Mingi spoke up and looked at the others face and he could see a terror on some of their faces which made him burst out his laugh "Yah! Look at you guys! Especially you, Woo!"

"It doesn't look scary at all" Wooyoung tried to act cool, but his voice was obviously shaky. Then San started to whine and pouted "I don't want to go in. I might've died from shock"

"It could be fun" Yunho said with pure smiley face. Seonghwa glared at him with judging eyes "You never get scared though, that's why it looks fun to you"

"Like brother like brother" Y/n whispered to Jongho. He secretly smiled and looked away. "We've been talking too much. Let's get inside already" Hongjoong became the leader all of sudden and walked inside the house which made everyone follow him as well.

As everyone was walking on the path with darkness. Jongho and Y/n were at the end of the tail of the group. Y/n squeezed Jongho's hand tightly and looked like she was sticking with him. He couldn't help but secretly smiled.

"Don't worry. My brother's team is leading, they gonna get jumpscare before us anyway" Jongho whispered.

Y/n exhaled heavily "Whatever—", Seonghwa and Hongjoong's screams cut her off as it caused her to freeze in her place. Jongho laughed loudly when he saw Mingi fell down on the floor.

"Holy shit.." Y/n placed her hands on her chest as she tried to calm herself down. As Jongho saw that, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder to keep her close to him.

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