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W : Jongho being a bit clingy and touchy, mentioned of slight jealousy.

"I saw you got along well with them" Jongho stated. He walked next to Y/n with his hands in pockets. "Yeah. They're fun to talk with"

He nodded in agreement as they both were walking in an alley, it was already a night time aswell.

They didn't talk when they were with the group but after everyone said goodbye to each other, Jongho secretly caught up on her so he can walk her home.

"It's like.. you got along with Yeosang really well" He looked at her. She chuckled softly and nodded "Yup, you're right. He made me feel comfortable so fast"

He bit his inner cheek "You seemed interested in him more than me" He pouted "You've never asked my interests or what else do I do in school other than being a strict ass inspector"

"Why? It doesn't really matter, is it?", her words made him stop walking which she did too, "Wow, Y/n"

She raised her eyebrows "You don't even ask me about my life"

"Well it's because I know that you're too lazy to do things, all you do is wake up and do anything that isn't about studyin—", she cut him off by punching his arm "You're kinda getting on my nerves right now, Jong"

He then smiles teasingly "Right. Not to mention about yesterday that we kissed—"

She pinched his arm through his jacket sleeve to shut him up which made him hissed in pain, "Yah, yah, yah, I'm sorry"

"Better be" She nodded and looked away. He stared at her for a second before slipping his hand into hers, he intertwined her hand gently and started to walk again.

She sighed softly "Alright fine. Since you want me to. What else do you do in school?", he went quiet and scratched his hair shyly when she actually asked him this "Well uh... I'm.. I'm actually in the same club with Mingi"

"Really?" She turned her head to him interestingly "What's your position?"

He pressed his lips "Vocalist", she covered her mouth with her hand in surprise "You can sing? But— why I've never seen you perform with Mingi before?"

"I wasn't free that day" He paused "And I don't really visit my club everyday because I'm already an inspector"

She nodded "But honestly! I'm still amazed that you can sing" Her eyes were sparkling as she got really excited from this. He stared into her eyes and looked away before clearing his throat "I can play guitar too"

"You should show me your talent sometimes" She smiled softly and started to intertwine her fingers with his back. His heart unexpectedly felt warm because of her touch, especially when she accept his affection. He chuckled and nodded lightly as a response.

THE NEXT DAY, in the early morning. Y/n was walking into the school, her attention was fully on the phone in her hand and it caused her to bump into someone's back.

"Shi— sorry! So sorry" She quickly apologized as she kept bowing her head. When she looked up, she found out that it was Yeosang who she bumped into, "Oh, that was you. It's okay" He smiled softly "And.. good morning, Y/n"

She let out a relief sigh "Morning Yeosang. You came to school so early"

"Well I have to practice every morning these days because the competition is getting closer" He rubbed the side of his neck nervously. She nudged his arm with her hand respectfully "Yah, you will win for sure. Don't be nervous"

"Professional, yeah?", her words made him chuckle. He smiled softly and nodded as he gained more confidence "Professional, yeah"

He then looked away shyly before asking something "Well.. since you're free, do you want to.. watch me practice?", her face brightened up "Would that bothered you?"

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