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TW : Jongho being a bit too flirty that it hurts reader's brain (mine too but I love him so it's alright)

It had been nine months since you became the oldest student at the school. There's not even much time left to study here, and you're going to graduate soon.

Fast right? Right. Too fast.

You were sitting in the empty classroom, staring at those juniors who were running under the rain to get home as fast as they could. The heavy rain made you unexpectedly calm but also tired deep inside.

It was unfortunate that you forgot to bring your own umbrella, so you decided to stay and wait for the rain to stop.

Yes, you completely forgot about Jongho in that moment, since he had to help his friends study for their tests in the library. What a kind heart man and you know, you couldn't do that if you were him.

He did ask if you wanted to join though, but you declined since you didn't want to disturb them.

You just love to be alone, to be clear.

Laughter, conversations, and footsteps from the hallway that went through inside your classroom made your heart sink a bit as you just realised how lonely you were again. You have friends, you know that, but somehow you like to separate yourself from them because you love your personal space a little bit too much, and you couldn't help it.

But yet, there's still someone who barely lets you stay by yourself.


He knows how deep your thoughts are. He wants and loves to listen to all of your thoughts. All he wants is for you to share your thoughts about what you're thinking. He doesn't want you to keep them all to yourself, as he knows how bad they are.

Your thoughts are mostly negative; that's why he doesn't want you to keep them. He really cares about your mental health and feelings. You always told him that you'd be fine, but no, you wouldn't, and he got you every time.

His soft words always make you cry, even though you don't even want to, but his words always push you to the edge.

You hate it, but isn't that what Jongho wants?

He just wants you to be happy.

You let out an exhausted sigh quietly, then felt a warm hand on your shoulder. You slowly looked over your shoulder before lifting your gaze up to that person.

"Are you okay?" Jongho softly asked and kneeled himself down to your desk level and rested his arms on the desk.

You stared at him with empty eyes, knowing that there's no way to be successful lying in front of him. "Not really" You avoided his eyes. He gently covered one of your hands with his big hand to get your attention back.

"What were you thinking about this time?" He tilted his head "Look at me, Y/n"

You glanced at him and sighed "Same stuff, nothing new. You know that, Jong", Jongho pouted and started to wipe your knuckles as comfortably as possible. "You should've come with us in the first place, so you wouldn't have to stay with your thoughts too much"

"I... don't want to disturb you guys." You lowered your head a bit. Jongho frowned more and placed his hand on your cheek. "Yah. Don't say that. You would never disturb us"

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