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It was early in the morning, you were sitting in the back of the classroom as you were using your phone peacefully. Then suddenly Jongho came out of nowhere and pulled a seat besides you out and sat on it with a straight face. Of course, you got really confused.

"What are you doing?" You looked at him with a face that full with questions. He looked back at you with an unbothered face. "I'm going to sit next to you today"

You blinked, "Huh? For what? I didn't do anything wrong?" He then pointed at your phone in your hand. "I always see you using your phone under the desk during class. And everyone knows that you can't use your phone while studying"

You got quiet for a second before grinning playfully "Is that mean you always stare at me?"

Jongho startled with your words a bit as his ears turned pinkish, not sure if he got flustered or embarrassed. He cleared his throat before starting to speak again, "What—? No. It's my duty because I'm a student inspector, of course I have to keep my eyes on everyone" He rolled his eyes and looked away to his desk.

"Whatever. Just go sit with your friends. I'm not gonna use my phone during classes, don't you trust me?"

"No, I don't" He simply replied. You rolled your eyes and sighed with frustration.

"Jonggie!" A high pitched voice came out of nowhere, when you both heard it, y'all looked up immediately. There was a girl who was peeking her head out from outside of the class, looking at Jongho with a smile. You didn't recognize or know her of course, because she isn't your classmate.

Jongho, who inhaled and sighed deeply besides you made you glanced at him, it was obvious that he didn't want to talk with her by his actions but you also didn't want to be included to this.

You slowly stood up from your seat so you can left a space for them to talk, "Where are you going?" Jongho quietly asked. You looked down at him while he was looking up at you with his boba eyes.

"Isn't that your girlfriend? I don't want her to misunderstood us so... I'll leave you two alone" you answered and took a glance up where the girl was, she was talking with her friends from outside of the classroom, wasn't paying attention to both of you.

"She isn't my girlfriend"


"No but please.. just once, stay with me. I feel uncomfortable talking with her" He begged you with his boba eyes, of course, your heart felt softened while your mind wanted to refuse.

"I'll payback with desserts, how about tha—"

"Deal" You sat down on your seat immediately and grabbed your phone out to play a game, acted like you and him are just random seatmates.

"Jonggieee, I bought brown sugar cookies for you" That girl finally walked up to him with a paper bag with cookies inside.

Jongho doesn't like sweet, you thought. You know that because you saw him got forced to eat sweets by his friends in the class once, he almost threw up from that.

You secretly took a glance and saw that he was hesitating to receive it, he then smiled forcefully and awkwardly before took the bag from her hand, "Thanks, Soo-ah"

"Take a bite!" She said excitedly. Ooh, I wanna know what's gonna happen next, you thought. Sweets are like.. a poison to Jongho as far as you know about him for now.

Jongho got quiet for a sec before clearing his throat softly, "I'll save them for later, I'm full for now"

Soo-ah pouted with disappointment "Okay.. oh! I also bring a polaroid camera for us to take a pic, I'll go get it real fast, hold on" She quickly got out of the classroom.

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