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"Ms. Seo! The deadline day was yesterday and you didn't even send the homework yet!" Professor Kim yelled at Y/n in the teacher office.

Y/n blinked in confusion "Ma'am, I already sent it. I sent it two days after since you gave us that assignment!"

"How could I believe you? We don't have any prove" Professor Kim shrugged. "I swear, ma'am. I actually sent the assignment before the deadline"

Professor Kim crossed her arms with deadpan expression "Do you have any witness?"

"I do—"

"Excuse me" Familiar voice spoke up as Y/n looked behind and saw Nari. "Bring your witness then" Professor Kim continued. Y/n then blinked and quickly pointed her index finger at Nari "Uh! She was the one who saw me sending my homework!"

Nari was about to say something but professor Kim cut her off "Did you actually see that?"

Nari gulped and faked smile "Yes, I did. Maybe someone stole her homework" She lied and slowly walked closer "Please give those points to my junior, she worked really hard on it and yet someone stole her work"

Y/n surprised at her lying skills but still kept straight facial expression on her face. Professor Kim hummed "I'll think about that later then. But that doesn't mean I will give you the points that easily because I don't know if it's true or not so don't think you're free" She paused "Now you can go"

The girls bowed and got out of the room. Y/n sighed out in relief "Thank you, unnie", Nari smiled and winked at her "It's my pleasure. Anything for you, sweetie"


"Since you helped me, do you want me to buy you treats?" Y/n asked politely. Nari bit her inner cheek and shook her head "That's really sweet of you but instead of buying me things.. you should give me your Instagram username instead"

Oh my goodness. I wanna get out of here. "Uhm.. sure then.." Y/n forced herself to give her username to Nari. Nari then smiled and blew her a kiss "Have a nice day, love" She started to walk away which made Y/n exhale all of the uncomfortable feeling out.

Atleast she helped me though.

Y/n walked out of the building and stopped. She looked back at the building, suddenly felt like she was missing someone.

Let's just go home. It's not late anyway. You can walk home alone, Y/n.

She sighed out and accepted it as she continued to walk. What about Jongho then? Well.. he was too busy to walk her home, he actually told her to wait but she didn't because she didn't want to bother him and he should get a break from her already.

Looked up to the orange-ish sky with her hands in her sweater pockets. Isn't it nice to walk home alone? To be honest, it was more like a lie. For her, it was actually lonely. She had never been bothered about being alone before, but now she has. Whenever she's alone, she likes to overthink, and that's what she doesn't like the most.

1 year left for this school, and times also went really fast. What if she graduated and never got a chance to meet her friends again? They will separate and have less free time to meet up. How could she live without Wooyoung and San? What is it going to be like when she can't meet them everyday anymore?

Especially Jongho.

He might forget her once he graduates. Who knows? She or he might move out and never meet again. One of them might lose contact and couldn't find a way to see each other again.

Y/n hates when people leave her life. She hates it whenever she gets attached to someone and they have to walk away from her life. She really hates it, she really does.

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