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TW : Drinking alcohol

It was finally the day that I had to go to Soo-ah's party, it was 5 PM which was a good time to go. I wore my usual clothes, not like a dress because I didn't take it too seriously and plus it was a normal teenage party, nothing was really important to wear a dress.

1 hour later, I got out of a taxi and looked at her house. Her house looked really big and luxurious which made me got a bit nervous about meeting people that I didn't even know. I mean she's rich after all and her friends would be rich too.

I stepped closer to the house gate and rang the bell. I glanced inside the house and saw Soo-ah walked out with her beautiful dress, makeup and hairstyle. She's really pretty.. like.. so so pretty.

"You're here! Welcome, Y/nnie!" She opened the gate and took my hand to bring me inside the house, I gulped and looked around as there were a lot of strangers. I snapped back and looked at Soo-ah who was staring at me "Feel free to be here. If you need anything just text me, okay?" She smiled. I then nodded as a response before watching her walking away from me.

Now I'm all alone.

I looked around awkwardly as I didn't know what to do next then I spotted Jongho sat alone from far away, his hair and clothes were looking so hella fine today. Well.. that's weird, this is the first time I actually find him attractive.

Then a hand on my shoulder made me lightly jumped, I firmly turned my head to look while a pressure was increasing in my heart but then I found out it was Yunho which made me calm a bit down. But why is he everywhere though?

"Didn't expect you to be here, Y/n" He smiled softly, "I didn't expect to see you here too" I laughed forcefully and scratched my neck.

He nudged my arm playfully "Did Jongho want you to come here?", I blinked and shook my head "Ah... no.. yeah no"

In fact, we didn't even look at each other or talk for almost a week.

His concern started to show on his face, he was about to open his mouth to say something but his friend, Park Seunghwa wrapped his arm around Yunho's shoulder "Yunho-ah! Let's go get a drink" He smiled and turned his head at me "Oh, Y/n!"

I awkwardly bowed my head as a response "Well uh.. have fun!—" I quickly walked away to somewhere else.

Gosh... there are too many people here. It's so loud and crowd, I want to go somewhere quiet, I want to go home.

I need to find Soo-ah—

"Hey pretty" A random guy and his friends walked up to me "Wanna have some drinks with us?"

I scanned their faces with nervousness "I uh... I don't drink alcohol"

"I mean you can try. Are you 19 yet?" A random girl asked "Come on, nothing to be scare of" She grinned. "I don't drink, sorry" I looked away and sighed quietly.

She then randomly wrapped her arms around my shoulder as her face was facing me to get my attention which made me shocked by this "Count down to 3.."


"O-okay! Okay fine" Wild bitch. I gently pulled her arms away and stepped back a bit, the group smirked and pulled me with them. Oh shit.

Then they handed me an oneshot glass of soju, I stared at it nervously before looking at their faces again. "Drink it, girl"

I'm so screwed.

I took a small sip and coughed out immediately as the taste tasted so shit, it was really bitter and plus I've never drink alcohol.

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