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2 MONTHS HAD ALREADY PASSED, as it was 1 week before my graduation.

I quickly went to the rooftop since Jongho was up there and I wanted to spend my time with him as much as possible.

Seeing him in front of me somehow makes me feel sad.

When I reached the rooftop, Jongho turned around and looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. I then slowly approached and stood next to him.

"So.. one week left for this damn school, isn't it too fast?" He spoke up, staring down to the field. I nodded lightly, didn't answer anything back. He then turned to me "Is everything alright? You seem quiet today"

I bit my inner cheek and chuckled softly, lifting my gaze down to my hands. "Mhm. Just.. not in the mood"

Both of us became silent. I listened to the laughter, cheer, shout, and scream noises from the students that were playing football in the middle of the field. Then I closed my eyes tightly, trying to avoid my negative thoughts since I was with Jongho.

Everything around me seemed to disappear after I closed my eyes—no sounds or Jongho was next to me; maybe it was because my thoughts successfully dominated my brain. I stood still, didn't move an inch, and let my imagination flow in my head until reality hit when Jongho touched my hand.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with curiosity. "Did you travel the space?" He joked. I rubbed the side of my neck embarrassingly "Seems like I spaced out a bit too much, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you could be an astronaut by that" He chuckled. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his playful statement. He then sighed loudly and squeezed my hand as he started to massage it which made me feel more relaxed. "Have you.. thought about your future university yet?" He asked.

That question made me get quiet. No, I haven't. Why can't I think of that?

I could never figure out what I wanted to be in the future. I'm too dumb for everything. I always failed, even if I tried. I only passed my exams because of Jongho's help. He helped me study almost all the time, and I know that if I didn't have him, I would've failed like usual anyway.


His voice echoed in my ears as I snapped out of my head. I looked at him blankly and turned away, not wanting to face him. "Sorry. Uhm.. no, I haven't" I finally answered and secretly let out a deep sigh before clearing my throat "Well, uh, have you?"


"No doubt"

He smiled softly and tilted his head to look at my face "Why don't you get into the same university as me? We don't have to study in the same faculty, but atleast we can meet up and hangout together"

"Which university are you going to join?" I glanced into his eyes, which were staring into my soul. "Seoul"

I shook my head softly "There's no way I could be able to get into that university. Seoul is too hard for me. You know, I'm really sucky at studying, right?"

His lips lightly curled downward as he frowned, and that action made me bite my lower lip with guilt. "I might join a private university that doesn't require exams if the tuition isn't too high for my parents, but I'll help them pay by doing a part-time job too" I inhaled deeply and exhaled out the tiredness in my body "Ah, my life is fucking suck"

"I can help you study, we still have time—"

"Two weeks is impossible for me, Jongho. I wouldn't make it in anyway, even if I studied without sleeping"

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