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"Y/nnie!" Wooyoung's voice appeared when you were about to step in the building, before you could turn your head to look at him, he already threw himself on you as he hugged you tightly while San was catching up behind him "We missed you"

"You guys are so dramatic, I absented only 1 day and now I'm here" You rolled your eyes playfully and looked at San who was lifting himself down, panting from tiredness "This guy isn't looking fine to me"

Wooyoung released you from his hug and looked at San aswell "Don't mind him, he's just a loser"

"Yah, Wooyoung-ah!" San pouted and stood up "Anyway Y/n, how are you now?", you shook your head as you smiled when they teased each other before answering "I'm fine now"

Then y'all saw Jongho walked passed by without greeting, he didn't look at you guys, not even a glance.

"Oh? Isn't that Jongho?" San asked "He would've greeted us but he didn't say anything"

"Maybe he didn't recognize us?" You looked at San, you didn't overthink about anything because Jongho is also kind of an ignorant person to you.

Wooyoung shook his head "There's no way. That's weird"

Is this because of our kiss yesterday?

Walked into the class together with your friends, you looked at Jongho who was sitting on the seat at front. Well it wasn't a big deal 'cause you can secretly use your phone during classes all you want without his strictness. You sat alone at the back of the class like usual as you were using your phone.

"Y/nnie!" The voice used the nickname just like Wooyoung but it wasn't him, you looked up and saw Soo-ah waved her hand at you from far away, she was standing next to Jongho with her bright smile.

Your heart stopped a bit when you realized that you've kissed her crush, you smiled nervously back as a response. Damn if she knows, I'm gonna be so fucked up.

You turned your gazes away and hid your face in your arms that were placing on the desk but then you felt a little tap on your head made you look up. You saw Soo-ah was staring down at you with her normal smile. She's so cute, isn't she?

"Y/nnie, about our hangout plan.."

Oh? Did she change her mind to hangout with Jongho instead? "Yeah?"

"Imma cancel it. But! I'm inviting you to join my party at my house, do you want to join?" Her eyes were screaming 'please' and of course, you couldn't resist. Anything she wants.

"Sure, that would be fun" You smiled softly and glanced over Jongho, you caught him staring at you as he quickly looked away. Hm.. yeah acting weird exactly like Woo said.

Soo-ah walked to your side and hugged you which made you got a bit surprised, you hugged her back hesitatingly and suddenly wondered if you will have any friends in the party beside Jongho who was ignoring you. And Soo-ah definitely not gonna be free to stay with you, she has a lot of friends after all.

It must be hard without Woo and San 'cause you don't know if the people she invited gonna judge you or not. It's obvious that people know you from breaking rules, and EVERYTHING that sounded bad, some of them will think about you.

You can do this, Y/n.

As the school finally ended, you headed out of the class before your friends. Yes, you guys always hangout after school once a week but this time without Jongho. You were standing at the front door of the building, waiting for your friends all alone.

Soft taps on your shoulder made you turned your head to look. A similar handsome looking, tall man with a smile was looking down into your eyes.


"Waiting for Jongho, yeah?" He winked. I blinked dumbly and shook my head "Ah no. I'm not waiting for him"

He raised his eyebrows surprisingly "Oh?"

You rubbed the side of your neck "Well uh.. yeah" You smiled awkwardly "He told me he's going to be with his friends today" You lied as you didn't want Yunho to get any more curious about this.

Yunho then mouthed 'ohhh' understandably and nodded "Alright then. See you later, Y/n" He smiled kindly before walking back into the building.

Well, this is quite uncomfortable, isn't it?

You stared at the orangish sky, already lost in your thoughts. Birds flew on the sky, clouds were moving and cold winds blew against your face freshly. You moved your thought about Jongho's weird action towards you and your friends to the party that Soo-ah invited.

Will I be able to make any friends?

What if they secretly don't like or judge me?

It isn't really a big deal actually. I'm not going to die anyway.

I've been living all my life with misunderstandings, it wouldn't damage me that much, would it?

"Y/n!" San shook your arm softly made you snapped to reality from your thoughts, you looked at him and Wooyoung, still trying to gather your mind back.

You closed your eyes and softly shook your head "Sorry" You chuckled dryly "Let's go then"

You didn't really say any words after that. You felt a bit empty as you knew something was missing even you had your friends beside. It felt so weird because you've never felt like this before.

What's wrong with me?

You looked at Wooyoung and San as they were laughing at each other while you stood there with empty face. They look so happy but why am I not?

You looked away to bunches of teenage friend group, people around you looked so happy, they looked really colorful while you were the only one who looked grey-ish. You never understood your feelings, you couldn't figure what your true feeling is and what was the problem that made you feel like this. Understand your own feeling is the hardest thing you could do.

You always asked yourself with same questions all over and over. It's annoying, to be honest.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath calmly before your mind thought about Jongho again. You never care about him back then but when he suddenly hangout with you, he changed some parts of your life. Who will know that one day they gonna be friends with their enemy anyway? It sounds disgusting but yet, it did change your point of view about Jongho.

Now thought about this, made you felt random fear risen up inside your veins. What if you and him never talk again? What if both of you graduated and never see each other again?

Why couldn't you figure what was the point of the problem that made him avoided you? Why?

Your head was too hurt to think any much more.

Let's stop thinking about him here.

Let's stop thinking about him here

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1162 words

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