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School finally ended as you were putting your things into your bag, ready to go hangout with your friends. After that, you started to walk out of the classroom then heard a familiar high pitched voice speaking on the left side, you turned your head to look and saw Jongho and Soo-ah were having a conversation but it was mostly like.. Soo-ah only talked while Jongho was completely being uncomfortable.

You wanted to help but shrugged it off because you didn't want to interrupt them. As you were about to turn your head away, Jongho's uncomfortable gazes suddenly slid up to your face, as he saw you, his gazes became more softer immediately. You weren't really care that much so you started to walk away.

"Oh! Y/n-ah!" You stopped when you heard Soo-ah's voice. Fuck.

You felt a heavy pressure on your heart as you acted like you didn't hear her calling but then suddenly there was a hand grabbing onto yours. You looked at that person and found out it was Soo-ah's hand, you looked down at her face as you just realized, she's more shorter than you.

She started to smile softly made your heart fluttered platonically because of how cute she was then Jongho walked up, his gazes were on Soo-ah's hand that was grabbing yours. "Oh- uhm.. hello, Soo-ah" You smiled back at her softly as you felt more relaxing when she rubbed her thumb on your hand softly.

Jongho felt a bit weird as his heart started to ache a little when he saw your soft smile to Soo-ah, what happened? what was his feeling? jealous? for what? he wasn't sure either.

You've never smile at him except in annoying and sarcastic way, but when it came to the person that made him feel uncomfortable, you smiled at them softly? That was kinda bullshit to him.

"Y/n-ah, you gonna go back home now?" Soo-ah asked, still not releasing your hand. You nodded as a response "My friends are waiting for me"

"Aww.. but! I bought cookies for you too! You know.. after that day when I asked what your name is, I already saw you as a friend" She said excitedly and put her hand into her bag then pulled out 2 paper bags.

"This one has chocolate cookies" She pointed at the first one and pointed at the second one "And this one has brown sugar cookies, which one would you like?"

You then heard Jongho's sigh, you glanced at him and saw him looking somewhere else and somehow was spacing out.

Snapped back to answer Soo-ah "I'd like (the cookies flavor)" You smiled again as she handed the bag to you, "Thank you. Soo-ah.. we just met and didn't even talk that much but you're already this kind to me, I don't know how to repay your kindness"

She then hugged you "You don't need to repay anything, you're happy, I'm happy"

Isn't she so cute? Why is she so kind to me? You thought and hugged her back warmly. "Well uh, I have to go now" You pulled away "Your hug feels.. really good. Thanks", She smiled and hummed "Okay! See you later then, Y/n-ah!"


"Okay eomma. Love you" He said to his phone and ended the call "Ah, my mom told me to go back home already, see you Soo-ah" He quickly said and used his hand to push your back along with his walk, you turned your head back to Soo-ah as you saw her waving at both of you slowly because she didn't even have a chance to say anything else.

"Your hug feels great bla bla, I bet my hug is even more better" Jongho mumbled quietly with himself while pulling you with him, "What?"

"Nothing. Isn't she so pretty, huh?" He asked you, sounded like him being sarcastic but you didn't even realize that.

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