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The graduation day finally arrived.

And it was going to be the last day that you and your friends would be together.

It's not hard to hang out together again but the problem is everyone's schedules. Not that you guys don't want to move in together, but everyone has to walk a different path. Maybe one of you has to move out to other countries to study there or move out to other cities.

High school life is like the best memory for almost every teenager but unfortunately, they have to start their new life at university or college.

It's kind of a common thing that when people grow older, they might start to lose their memories of their old favourite people. So it's very normal when teenagers who got into their university life make new friends and possibly lose their old friends's connections.

Now back to you and your friends. The last scene of ATZ high school.

You were hugging your friends, Jung Wooyoung and Choi San as tight as you could. They're the closest friends of yours. The best friends that make you happy and laugh a lot.

They helped you so much that it made you feel bad but you always appreciated their kindness. They were the first people who understood and accepted you; how could you not love them for that?

Wooyoung and San are literally everything to you; you're sure if you didn't have them, your life wouldn't be this happy. They're willing to give you love without getting tired. And they also saved your life too, actually.

"Gosh, I'm going to miss you guys so bad" San choked out as his tears were pouring from his eyes.

Wooyoung let out his shaky breath before wiping his own tears away quietly. "Is it even possible to not do that? We've been friends since we were freshmen, dumbass!" He chuckled sadly.

You were quiet, trying to force your brain to stop thinking too much as you pulled away and looked at them with tears in your eyes. "You guys better not forget me or I'll haunt you down"

They both bursted out their soft laugh. San then squeezed your cheek and said, "Yah. We're your knights, and you're our princess. Knights should protect their princess til they die, so that means we wouldn't forget you, no, never"

"Such a poetic word" Wooyoung said to San, but his eyes were focusing on you as he wiped your tears away.

"But with good meaning, yeah?"

Kim Hongjoong and Song Mingi, you sat between the two men on a bench near the school field, enjoying your last moments in this school with them.

They're close to you, of course. Thanks to Wooyoung and San for introducing you to them.

Hongjoong made you feel comfortable quite quickly. He had his first serious conversation with you on the day you were on the rooftop alone after getting crowded by those ex-seniors.

You enjoy his company a lot because of how playful and caring he is. He's like a captain to you—the best leader of the group ever. You can talk to him about anything you want as he's really good at listening and giving people an useful advice.

And with Mingi, both of you were awkward with each other at first. He looked a bit scary to you but when you saw his true personality, you deleted the thought of him being scary immediately.

Mingi is a very funny guy; he's quite cute but also loves to get on your nerves every time he has a chance. You guys have that sibling energy, mostly because you both either bicker or mock each other. He loved to steal your food when you were looking away too but always got caught when your friends told you about it.

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