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Knocking sounds from the door made me woke up, I couldn't fully open my eyes because of how tired and sleepy I was, I grabbed my phone to look at the time and it was already 3 am.

"Come in" I finally replied back in my sleepy tone, the door slowly opened in with a man stepped in.

Jongho. Why is he so clingy with me these days?

"What's wrong, Jong?" I sat up from the bed, looked at him with my squinting eyes.

"I can't sleep" He ran his hand through his hair and walked closer. "Homesick, huh?" I yawned softly and patted the edge of my bed as a sign for him to sit.

"Not sure" He sat on the spot I told him to and sighed "My brother must having fun"

I leaned my back to the headboard slowly while looked at him "It's 3 AM though. He might've already asleep"

"I remember they had a party til 6 AM" He looked at me. "6 AM?? Damn, they never get tired" I chuckled sleepily.

Then we suddenly became quiet for no reason. "Ah. You should go back to sleep, Jongho" I broke the silent.

He rubbed his face with his hands softly "I can't sleep though" He muttered in his hands.

I compressed my mouth and looked around my bedroom then saw my favorite teddy bear laying next to me, I sighed and softly threw the teddy at him "Hug that while trying to sleep"

He looked at me before grabbing the teddy and hugged it "Thanks.. I'll go to sleep now, goodnight Y/n"

"Night, Jong"

SOUNDS of my phone alarm started to rang which made me flinched and woke up from the sudden alarm. I tried to grab my phone sleepily with a bit frustration as I wanted to continue sleeping but couldn't.

I opened one of my eyes and looked at the time, ah.. 9 AM. I stretched my arms and started to do my own things like showering and shits.

After that, I walked downstairs and saw San walked towards the kitchen direction. When I reached the floor, I followed him immediately.

Smell of burning foods made me really curious "San? What are you doing?" I walked closer to him and glanced into the pan.

"Cooking breakfast for you guys. Look at these bacons! I found them in the refrigerator"

The bacons were burnt.. what the hell, San?

"They are.. literally burning" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Oh"

"I'll cook, I know how to cook" I said "You're so bad at this. You gonna set my house on fire, San" I laughed. He hit my shoulder lightly with pouty face. "Yah! Atleast I want to make you guys food"

I chuckled again "Alright, alright. Sorry, chef" I then changed the burnt bacons in the pan to raw bacons.

"Wanna go to somewhere? Like.. supermarket? You told us, you haven't restock your refrigerator yet" San tilted his head.

I was staring at bacons that were getting cooked in the pan as I was thinking if I wanted to go or not. But yes, I need to go anyway "I mean, yeah sure"

"Yay!" He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder happily "Going with your boy, Jongho would be very interesting, wouldn't it?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully which made me shoved him away in slight frustration but also in a playful way. "Shut up, San"

He giggled softly "But seriously Y/n" He paused "I feel like he's acting weird these days—"

"True! I agree! I've been thinking just like what you're thinking" I looked at him. He smirked and leaned closer to me "Right. Is he falling in love with his stubborn enemy, huh?" He whispered teasingly. I smacked his arm lightly as a response.

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