152 15 4

TW : Astraphobia (fear of thunder), light and platonic make out (kissing & neck nibbling)

You woke up from your sudden flinch. Your head was numb as you couldn't remember anything from last night, you sat up from your bed and looked around the room, it was empty as usual. You were wearing your clothes from yesterday, it totally messed but not that much.

But you still had some memories, you remembered that you got forced to drink soju, someone's hand gripped your wrist to stop drinking and they sent you home. Who exactly was that?

You shook your head off from your thoughts and headed to bathroom to clean yourself up.

After that, you walked downstairs and was about to go to the kitchen but something caught your eyes. It was a strange plastic bag with a box that filled with food inside. You walked closer and saw a note on the box as it said "have a nice meal :)"

"Hm... I wonder who bought me this" You couldn't help but smiled softly as you appreciated the person who bought this for you.

You sat down on the dinner seat and thought that it might be either Yunho or Soo-ah who did this to you. But it would be impossible if it was Jongho who did all this. You placed your chin on your hand, still guessing that mysterious person in your mind.

Yunho? But he was drinking with Seunghwa, wasn't he?

Soo-ah? Well possible but not really.. she was having fun with her friends, why would she want to find me all of sudden?

And Jongho.. pfft- that man wouldn't even care.

Or would he?

You sighed and brushed your thoughts away. Whatever but I don't believe that Jongho did this. I know I kinda have high ego but still, he won't do this for me.

Just one accident kiss can made someone tryna disappear from your life so easily, it's kind of funny though. This thought made you got a bit upset.

The bell rang as you blinked from your thoughts to the reality. You stood up and walked to the door, you opened the door and saw Jongho standing in front of you. Your bratty attitude rose up immediately as you rolled your eyes "What are you doing here?

"May I go in?" He politely asked but you shook your head, "Nope, you mayn't. I'm not welcoming you here"

He frowned "I forgot my thing inside your house", you tilted your head "How? You didn't even talk to me since. How could your thing left in my house?"

"Y/n. I'm not here to fight" His facial expression remained calm but also scary because of how deadpan his face was. You couldn't read his emotions. Nope. Not at all "Who said that I want to fight?"

"Because you're being aggressive to me right now and plus your words aren't sound so friendly to me"

You clicked your tongue quietly "Whatever. But I don't believe that you forgot your thing in my house" You scoffed and were about to close the door but his strong grip fought back your strength. You then let him inside and stepped back in defeat, he walked into the house and glared at you "That's not very polite to have that behavior towards guest, is it?"

This little shit. You thought. You were really mad at him and he could see it, he rolled his eyes to give the same energy that you gave him and walked away. He got a bit offended but also satisfied that you forgot about those moments that happened last night.

Your eyes followed him as he walked to the table in front of the sofa, he quickly grabbed an airpod box and put it into his sweater bag. You furrowed your eyebrows confusingly and was so dumb that you couldn't understand anything.

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