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"Yah! Why is it so hard?" I groaned as I laid my forehead on the homework. "For real! San, help us now" Wooyoung sat beside me as he turned his head to San.

"You guys didn't pay attention to class?" He asked. We both nodded as a response. "Well yeah me too"


I was sitting there with despair then there was a text notification on my phone screen, I grabbed my phone and saw that Jongho texted me, I turned my head to the window as I saw him looking at me too, his eyes were telling me to read the texts so I read them as he wanted.


Jongho(e) :
Struggling with science homework?

You :
Of course 💀

Jongho(e) :
Deserve. You chose to not pay attention to class by yourself

You :
Shut up

I sighed frustratedly and placed my phone on the table, San and Wooyoung were arguing together as I just sat there and watched them. I looked at my watch and it was already 5pm. Damn, I wanna go home.

I grabbed my homework and things into my bag, "Where are you going, Y/nnie?" Woo asked. "Home"

"What about the homework?" San asked, tilting his head. "Later. The deadline is on the next Monday, I'm fine with that" I winked and stood up "See y'all later"

I walked to the door peacefully and was about to walk out but then someone accidentally ran up on me made me lost my balance and almost fell. Luckily, someone held me in the time from behind, I looked at them and it was Jongho who was staring down at my face. He helped me stand up properly and looked at the person who crashed me.

"Ah— I'm so sorry" The tall man apologized then he looked at Jongho "Oh Jongho-ah!"

I blinked confusingly and saw another tall man walked up on us "What happened guys?"

"Ah- Yunho, I accidentally ran up on her" Yunho? Jongho's brother?

I stared at Yunho seonbae, scanning at his visual. Yah.. he looks so handsome. "Watch out next time, Seunghwa" Yunho seonbae said to the man before turning his head to me.

"You must be Y/n, right? I'm one of the inspectors, that's why I know your name" He took his hand out, expecting me to shake it. Of course I did, I wouldn't let my chance get away if there's a handsome looking man want to shake his hand with me.

"I'm Jeong Yunho, this is my friend, Park Seonghwa" He smiled softly before looking at Jongho who was standing behind me "Ah, Jongho-ah. You're going back home already? So fast today"

"Uh.. yeah.." Jongho's voice sounded like he wasn't sure either. "Aw I thought you gonna go back home with your hyung" Hwa Seonbae said. Jongho shook his head awkwardly.

"Oh and you, are you hurt? I'm so sorry for not being more careful"

I widened my eyes a bit and waved my hands quickly as a no "No no, I'm fine. It's okay, seonbae"

"Ah you don't have to call us like that, just our names would be great" Yunho smiled and patted my head before walking away with Seonghwa. I rubbed the side of my neck confusingly and remembered that Jongho was still standing behind me. "Your brother looks so fine tho"

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