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"Ouch!" Y/n hissed as Jongho was rubbing her wound on her wrist with a cotton wool.

She got wounds on her body from PE class by playing dodgeball with her friends and some of her classmates. Jongho did warn her not to hurt herself or force herself to keep playing if she's tired, but she didn't listen, and because of that, she accidentally fell down to the floor harshly, which made Jongho check up on her really fast.

"Stop squirming! You're going to get hurt even more if you move" Jongho scolded and looked at her "I already told you to be careful and you didn't listen. Now look at you" He pouted.

Y/n sighed and lowered her head in regret. As Jongho saw that, he slowly lifted himself down to the floor to look at her face. "I know it hurts, Y/n-ah. I'll try to rub them as softly as I can, alright? So be patience for me"

His voice was so gentle, that it made her gazes go up to his face. Y/n nodded and was about to shut herself by digging her nails on her palm but Jongho stopped her "And don't pinch yourself too" He added.

She groaned in annoyance "What else can I do? I can't do anythi—", he lifted himself up and pecked her lips softly "So.. can you be quiet now?"

"Fuck you" She placed her forehead on his stomach in fluster which made Jongho laugh devilishly as he continued to heal her wounds. "Don't use bad words toward your personal doctor too" He smiled.

After he put bandages on her wounds, he grabbed her hand and helped her get up from the chair.

"Careful. I'll help you walk" He put her arm on his shoulder and slowly walked to the door before freezing in place when the door suddenly firmly slid open with Wooyoung standing in front of them.

Wooyoung then ran up to Y/n but got blocked by Jongho's arm, "Yah, yah, snap out of it. She's hurt, can't you see?" Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. San who was catching up on Wooyoung from behind, smiled "Thanks for taking care of her by the way, Jongho-ya" He spoke up and patted Y/n's head.

Jongho couldn't help but took a glance on San's hand, acting like he's her bodyguard, and only. Wooyoung grabbed Y/n's face into both of his hands softly "Y/nnie, you should've taken a rest if you're tired. Why did you force yourself to play with us?"

"I wanted to play with you guys more. Y'know, I don't really play sports, right?" She chuckled softly. When Wooyoung pulled his hands away, Jongho slightly tilted his head to look at her face and looked at San who already had his eyes on him, Jongho looked away awkwardly as he got caught red handed and could sense a smirk on San's face.

"We don't have more class today and it's too early to go home. Should we go somewhere?" San questioned. Wooyoung looked at him with judgy eyes as his gazes looked up and down on San "Her legs are hurt, where could she go with us?"

"My legs didn't disappear, dumbass. I can still walk" Y/n spoked up but got interrupted by Jongho, "That doesn't mean you can walk much, Y/n", his words made her roll her eyes in annoyance, "Or maybe we can go visit Mingi at his club. The last class on his schedule today is free too" Jongho suggested.

Wooyoung nodded "Good idea. Smart guys always win. No wonder why you always get first place in our class"

"Is that supposed to be sarcastic or positive?" Jongho scoffed. "Sarcastic, hopefully. But you're actually smart so I can't blame you for that" Wooyoung chuckled softly.

It had been almost 6 months since they became friends. Wooyoung, San, and Jongho unexpectedly became besties. Especially with Wooyoung and Jongho, they always bicker and get on each other's nerves. Of course, Y/N loves that; seeing them get closer is literally the best thing for her.

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