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I slowly woke up from a nap in Jongho's arms as I looked at his sleeping face quietly. Some pieces of his hair were covering his eyes, which made him look weirdly attractive. He looks cute when he's sleeping though— wait.. what time is it now?

I tried to get out of his grip but couldn't because he's too strong for me to handle, so I reached out my hand to grab my phone instead.

7 PM... already!? With 34 notifications from Wooyoung too? Shit— I'm so screwed.

I pursed my lips before trying to pull myself out again as he hugged me even tighter. Goddamn. "Jongho, can you let me go?" I tapped his arm softly.

"Why..? I still want to sleep" He grumbled out sleepily, still closing his eyes. "I know that, but let me go first and continue sleeping as you want" I looked at him and saw him shaking his head as he buried his face into my hair "What are you gonna do..?" He mumbled quietly.


"I asked why do you want me to let you go, what are you going to do?" He lifted his head up to look at me with frustration as his eyebrows were a bit furrowed and his lips were pouty which made me sighed softly at his actions "Woo called me and texted me for almost million times now, I need to reply him"

"Well you can?"

"I need more space! You kept squeezing me in your arms"

"Just do whatever you want. I won't bother you anyway" He rested his face on my shoulder and placed his hand on my arm "Just.. don't go"

Gosh.. how could I resist if he's being like this?

I sighed and called Wooyoung "You better be quiet, Jong" I whispered. Then I turned on the speaker mode so I didn't have to hold my phone all the time.

"Aish— yah! Why won't you answer my texts or calls, dumbass?"

That almost made Jongho burst out his laugh as his quiet giggles were muffled on my shoulder. I elbowed his stomach softly in annoyance. "Sorry" He whispered.

"I was asleep when you were texting me"

"Whatever, and anyway, we wonder if you want to go to an amusement park with us"

"Amusement park? With you guys and who else?"

"Hongjoong, Mingi, and Yeosang. I don't know if Jongho would go but I already told Hongjoong to ask him" Wooyoung paused "Why? Are you expecting your favorite man to go with us as well?"

My cheeks burned up from his words. Totally bad timing. Jongho quickly lifted his head up to look at me in surprise before whispering "Am I? Really?", I nudged him away in a bit of annoyance then turned my head back to the phone "Shut up, Woo. I don't give a shit about him and he doesn't too"

Jongho chuckled into my ear "You sure don't" He teased. "C'mon! Can't you guys just make up already?" Wooyoung shouted from the phone as I groaned dramatically "Just move on! Imma hang up now"

"You didn't even answer my question yet!"

"Okay! I'll go with you guys! Satisfied now?" I yelled back in anger and earned giggles from Wooyoung. "If you're with me right now, I would've kissed your cheeks" Wooyoung spoke with a playful tone "I'll let you go now. Goodnight, Y/nnie"

After he hung up, Jongho squished my cheeks softly as he turned my face to his direction which caught me off guard as well "Well.. too bad. You're with me, not him" He shrugged. I shoved him away and looked to the guitar on the hanger "Yah. When will you sing? I've been waiting for long now"

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