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TW : kissing and marking (but didn't lead to that way)

After the graduation, I hadn't met Y/n for so long, so I decided to visit her house.

But then...

This house is for sale

"I won't leave you, Jong" Her words rang inside my head when I found out that she already moved out. "Is this a fucking joke?" I whispered to myself.

She hadn't read my texts and hadn't even been online for months after we got into universities. I asked everyone else in the group chat but it seemed like everyone lost her contact as well.

She moved out. She left me. She's now a loser like our deal.

I won but what's the point?

"You promised me though" I gripped my phone tightly with mixed feelings, especially sadness and anger "You made the promise but yet you're the one who left me"

"And who am I going to walk home when you aren't here anymore?"

I lost her contact. I have no idea how to find her. This world is too big for me to find her.

"Do you even realize how much I love you, Y/n?" I started to tears up as I lowered my head down "I don't even get a chance to ask you out yet"

She was the love of my life. The special one in my heart and no ones could replace her.

Please meet again one day, Seo.

ALMOST A YEAR PASSED BY, and I already moved out to somewhere else, but not too far away from my parents house. I even got my own car; it's easier to drive than I expected.

My brother and Soo-ah also got together and lived in the same house while I'm all single.

Well, how could I find someone else when the old one was too good for me to find a better one?

I know I should've moved on but I couldn't.

I got out of my car after parking it in the parking lot of the new cafe. It looked pretty interesting and I also craved coffee, which was why I chose this place.

I walked into the cafe, glancing at the barista girl, who is also a cashier, standing behind the counter as her forearms rested on it. I then looked around and found out that I was the first customer as it was an early morning.

"Welcome to my cafe! What can I get for you?" Her voice made me immediately turn my head to look at her. That was so familiar but.. maybe I'm just out of my mind.

I awkwardly walked towards the counter and smiled politely "Can I get uh.. one iced americano, please?"

"Sure! Anything else?"

"No, thank you so much"

I walked to an empty table and sat on a chair as I took a glance at her every time I had a chance. I couldn't see her face properly; she was wearing a cap and didn't even lift her head to look at me. And it also built more curiosity in my mind.

"Your iced americano is finished, sir", I snapped out of my head when her voice interrupted. I quickly walked to the counter and stared at her. She looked back at me, confused "Are you alright?"

I blinked and got embarrassed, "Oh sorry— it just... you look similar to my.. best friend" I grabbed the ice americano in front of me. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

She chuckled and shook her head softly "No, no. It's fine"

Fuck. They lookalike so much.

"Uh.. thank you for the coffee" I turned away to quickly get my ass out of this place.

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