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TW : mentioned of family issues, death and suicidal

It was lunchtime as Y/n walked in the hallway. She was wearing a headphone, listened to music like always whenever she's alone. Then a strange hand grabbed her shoulder from behind and pushed her softly to the wall which made her eyes widen a little.

What the fuck?

A familiar group crowded her as she recognized them immediately. They were the people that forced her to drink alcohol with them. "It's you! Do you remember us?" The girl in front of her spoke up as she pulled Y/n's headphone down to her shoulder. She was the one who wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I... yeah? Uh— why?" Y/n scanned her nametag, Kim Nari.

"Well... we didn't get a chance to ask your name yet" Nari said and looked at Y/n's nametag but it was covered with her sweater "So what's your name, love?"

Y/n felt uncomfortable as she tried to look away "Seo Y/n"

"Cute!" She smiled "Just like your face", that sudden flirt made Y/n scratched her neck awkwardly and she then quickly bowed her head thankfully. They're her seniors anyway.

"We had so much fun with you, you know? But someone disturbed us and dragged you away" She pouted.


"So annoying, right? We could've been more fun together"

Y/n's facial expression turned cold immediately when Nari called him annoying. The only people who can call him annoying are his friends and me only.

"Well uh.. now that you got my name. Excuse me" Y/n squeezed herself out of the group and walked away as she put her headphone back on in quite frustration.

She walked upstairs firmly and reached up to the rooftop floor. She breathed in a fresh air while slowly walking toward the balcony.

Normally, students don't really visit the roof. Only Wooyoung, San and her that usually hangout here.

Calmness and quietness hit her made her sighed. She rested her arms on top of the balcony and looked down to the field as her gazes were wandered around the students, some were playing football, some were walking around and some were playing tag. She sighed again and looked up to the pastel blue-ish sky.

Now thought about it, she realized that she mostly been with herself more than being with her friends. She was lonely but never realized that. Her life felt really empty aswell. Her family sent her here all alone, she never get a chance to see their faces or hear their voices. Why though?

School wasn't fun either, boring as hell. Most of these students are also full of freaks and a lot of judgments. Judging always come first to these people's mind. She was one of the students that got misunderstood very badly which was really annoying to her.

She lowered her head and groaned out in frustration. When will her life becomes free?

"Yah! Why did you make my life like this!?" She shouted to the sky and sighed tiredly. She then stared into the emptiness as the wind blew her hair to the back. She closed her eyes to get herself calm.

She finally opened her eyes and lowered her head. A sudden soft tap on her hand made her flinch, she lifted her head up and saw Hongjoong staring at her with his soft smile. "Hey"

"You scared me" She let out a relief chuckle which made him chuckle too. "Sorry. I saw you walked upstairs to the roof and... plus we didn't talk much yesterday so I thought it would be nice to have a conversation with you here"

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