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TW : violence and panic attack

Y/n was having lunch and talking with her friends normally before getting soft taps on her shoulder from behind. She turned her head to look at the person, expecting to see Jongho since he had been clinging on her these days but instead, she saw Yunho.

He leaned down to whisper "Professor Lee wants to meet you after school, do you mind?"

"Huh? For what reason?" She blinked confusingly. His face turned to unsure expression "I'm not sure either. He didn't tell me anything"

Y/n gulped thickly with nervousness, normally no teachers really scare her except professor Lee. People in the school had been saying that he hit students whenever they did something wrong. Abusive teacher, to be clear.

After school, Y/n walked out of the class slowly as she felt a heavy pressure on her body, she was so scared to meet him.

"Are you sure that you're going to be okay?" San softly asked while Wooyoung's hand was rubbing on her shoulder as a support. "Of course not" She sighed "But I'll make sure that I'm not going to get any damage"

"Take care, Y/nnie. We'll wait"

"Ah. No need to. It probably took times to finish" She smiled softly and patted their shoulders before pushing them away.

She wasn't confident at all.

She arrived teachers office as she stood in front of the door, she inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm her heart beats down. She looked inside the room through the window as she could see that the room was empty, no any teachers in there except professor Lee.

Closed her eyes and breathed deeply again before slowly opened the door "Excuse me? Professor Lee", he didn't even look at her, not even a glance. With that action of his made her felt more and more pressure.

"I uhm.. I'm Seo Y/n.. uh.. Yunho seonbae told me that you want to meet me after school.. so—"

"Did you steal school's exam answers paper to cheat on your exam?" He cut her off.

That question made her got really confused, she would never cheat on school exams, the only thing she will do to the school is break rules.


"Are you deaf?" He started to turn around to look at her face. His words made her startled lightly "I asked if you were the one who stole the exam answers paper to cheat on your exams!" He raised his voice.

She couldn't move. Too scared to move "I— I didn't do anything, sir. And.. and plus I would never do something like that.."

"Tsk. Liar! You think that I'm gonna believe words from a bratty student like you!?" He stomped closer angrily, Y/n's hands were shaking from the pressure and the confuse situation "You broke so many rules, of course, you gonna cheat on exam because of your attitude"

Y/n tried to pull herself together and breath calmly as she stared into his eyes with stronger and serious expression "Sir. I know that I broke so much rules but that doesn't mean I have to cheat on exams. It does makes sense but not always"

"How dare you talk back to me!?" He lifted his hand up, ready to attack her. Y/n quickly lifted herself down and held her head to protect herself but when she looked up, she saw Yunho held professor Lee's hand.

"Yah! Let me go! I gonna make this kid learn her lesson!" Professor Lee yelled while getting dragged out of the room by Yunho.

Y/n started to breath heavily as she felt a sudden panic attacked after her pressure and scare increased. Her breath was shaky, loud noises started to rang through her ears, violence scenes and imagination kept appearing in her mind.

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