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TW : slight suggestive in the beginning ⚠️

CLICKING SOUNDS from the mouse that Y/n was using to do her university's assignment on her laptop were echoing around her bedroom. Her and her boyfriend's schedules weren't the same as she was home alone while he went out to study.

She sighed quietly while staring at the laptop with tired eyes as she had been working nonstop since the morning.

Even though her eyes and her hand were using to do an assignment, it was quite concerning that her mind was still able to think deeply about something.

Y/n and Jongho have been together for almost 2 years now. When they both revealed their relationship to their friends, no one really was surprised because they already knew that this couple was definitely going to have a crush on each other and ended up dating one day.

But if the happiest one would be Yunho, since he cheered on his brother a lot and felt like a proud older brother when Jongho finally got Y/n to be the love of his life.

On the other hand, Seonghwa was quite the opposite. He's like a strict mom, as he told Y/n to handle this Jongho kid carefully and don't let him do anything to her without her permission. Y/n could only laughed it off because she knows that she couldn't fight Jongho back anyway; he's too strong for her.

The sudden knocks on her door made she glance at it a bit before paying attention to her laptop again. "Come in, Jong"

"Jagi~" Jongho called out as he walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her neck from behind. "Wait- you still haven't finished this work of yours yet? Have you taken a break?" He tilted his head to look at her awful face.

"I had, I had taken a break but not for long" She didn't even look at him and continued paying her attention on the work.

He pouted "You don't look really good right now, Y/n. When do you have to send this assignment?"

"Uh... next week, on Friday, I guess but I want to finish it now so I don't have to worry about the deadline"

He sighed, leaned down to her face, and kissed her cheek. "You should take a break. Let me take care of you, love" He pulled her away by pulling her gaming chair away from the desk. He quickly gripped the mouse and saved her work, then closed her laptop immediately.

Y/n sighed loudly as she flung the back of her head against the chair "But I really want to finish it though" She whined.

"Uh, uh, you should take a break now" Jongho resisted, dragging her out from her chair. "You look so awful, Y/n" He chuckled and brushed her hair away from her face. "Let me take care of you like a princess" He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before bringing her to the edge of the bed.

He carefully sat her down before climbing on the bed to sit behind her. Y/n was confused a bit but didn't care that much as she was too tired to care about this damn situation until he placed his hands on both sides of her shoulder and started to message them which made her relax immediately.

She closed her eyes slowly before letting out a sigh. Jongho slightly tilted his head to see her reaction, and he smiled softly when he knew that he been able to calm her down.

"Feeling better now?"

"Mm, yeah. Much more better than keep doing that shitty homework"

He chuckled "Obviously. So stop worrying about that stuff for now" He paused and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer as her back hit against his chest "And spend your time with me instead, jagi"

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