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Times really passed by as fast as you expected. The day finally arrived.

Yunho and Seonghwa's graduation day.

"Jongho! Did you see gifts and bouquets on my desk?" You asked nervously as you had already looked around the classroom but couldn't find it anywhere. "Those are for our hyungs"

Wooyoung came out of nowhere and lightly knocked on your temple with his knuckles to get your attention. You sent him a glare before fully looking at him when he pointed his finger at the top of the locker behind you, as your things were on top of it and you completely forgot that you put them there.



"Come on! I have to go perform on the stage soon!" Jongho whined.


Y/n, Wooyoung and Jongho ran to the field as they spotted the others there.

"There you guys are! What took y'all so long?" San spoke up when he saw them. "Y/n was being so stupid. She forgot where she put her gifts when they were literally in front of her" Wooyoung spilled with mocking tone and earned a light punch on the waist from her. "Zip your damn mouth, Woo"

"Anyway, where's the hyungs?" Y/n asked, scanning everyone's faces. Hongjoong looked around and back to her "I think they're coming, let me call Seonghwa hyun—"

"Sorry kids! We're late, aren't we?" Yunho shouted. "Yeah, you guys are!" Mingi shouted back and chuckled.

As Yunho and Seonghwa finally joined the group, Yeosang shyly tapped their shoulders and showed them his paintings that he made for them.

"Yeosang! This is so cool!" Yunho smiled brightly like a puppy while Seonghwa ruffled Yeosang's hair as a thank.

Everyone else in the group gave their gifts to the elders for one by one until it was finally Y/n's turn.

She handed bouquets and tiny gifts for each of them with a sad frown. Seonghwa noticed it and pointed that out, but still made sure to keep it only with three of them "What with that face, Y/n-ah?"

"I just..— you guys graduated, and we wouldn't get to see each other's faces that often after today"

Yunho chuckled "Aww, are you sad?", Y/n was holding back tears when he said that, it literally added more fire for her to cry. "Don't worry about us. We will surely miss you too, Y/n" Yunho pinched her cheek softly.

"We couldn't forget about you anyway. You're like a younger sister to us, how could we not miss you? That's impossible" Seonghwa added as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Stop, stop, stop. You guys will make me cry anytime soon if you don't stop"

"I mean, you can cry. No one is forcing you not to cry" Yunho smiled kindly. "But just a reminder. Whenever you need us, call us right away, okay? Even though me and Seonghwa already graduated, that doesn't mean we can't help you, so please contact us if you need anything, we're willing to help you as older brothers and close friends"

Y/n couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she started to sob on her hands before getting pulled into a hug by the hyungs.

"I know, I'm not your biological brother but you're really important to me, Y/n-ah. I mentally can't live calmly when I see you hurt" Seonghwa sniffed as he stroked her head gently.

Yunho, on the other hand, started to tear up as well, just like some of the others that were watching them from behind. Hongjoong secretly wiped his tears out. San pulled Yeosang into a hug and sobbed on his shoulder. And Jongho was trying not to cry, as he isn't tough like he looks; he's actually soft inside, and that's the reason why he gets emotional whenever he sees his close people cry.

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