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It was Saturday, the day that you and Jongho dealt to go eat some desserts together just like a deal that Jongho offered. You didn't really wanna go that much because of how annoyed you got by him from that day.

"Yah, Y/n. Wake up"

Pulled your sleeve slightly when he saw you using your phone during the class.

"Pay attention to class, Y/n"

"Do you want me to write your name down on my rule breaker students notebook?"

Shook your arm to wake you up.

These voices and moments kept running through your head making you felt annoyer more. You lost your motivation to go with him as you threw your back on the sofa with frustration, your phone kept notifying but you chose to ignore it as you closed your eyes slowly while spacing out.

Then the doorbell suddenly rang which made you jumped really hard from your thoughts, you looked at the door before getting up to take a look through fisheye on the door. Goddamn it! It's Jongho.

You sighed quietly, regretting your life decisions. "I know you're there, Y/n" He said "Are you looking at me through the fisheye?" He crossed his arms, waiting for you to open the door.

Why did I deal with him and tell him where my house is?, you thought, lots of regret in your eyes.

Then the door suddenly opened as you screamed in shock, Jongho was standing there with his usual straight face.

You stared at him, speechless. "What?" He asked with raised eyebrows before closing the door behind him and looked back at you, unbothered.

"Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah! Who gave you a permission to come in!?"

He shrugged "You kept staring at me through the fisheye without any response back, I'm not gonna waste my time and let you do that" He walked passed you to the sofa and sat on it, acted like nothing happened and completely lived his life like that's his own house.

"This is my house, you're acting like it's yours" You crossed your arms, unsatisfied with his behavior.

"You're talking too much, are you done?" He asked and took a look at his watch on his wrist, "I don't have much time to wait for you all day"

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag and phone "Let's go then. Get out of my house"

Jongho glanced his gazes up on your face then got up and walked out of the house, you sighed out heavily and turned off all the lights before following him. You locked the door and turned around, Jongho was staring at you and quickly looked away.

About 10 mins later, you both were standing in the bus, grabbing the handle and not standing too close but also not too far from each other. There was a random man next to you stepped closer to you on propose, you didn't notice it but Jongho did.

He scanned at the random man's face from eyes to chin with his sharp gazes before pulling you closer to him, you looked up at him with a confusion but Jongho didn't look back. Your gazes went down to his soft grip on your sleeve then the bus suddenly stopped making you lost your balance from standing. As Jongho saw that, he quickly held you before you could fall.

"Be careful" He whispered with an unexpected comfort voice. You both made eyes contact before you looked away with a bit of embarrassment. "Sorry" You replied back. Then there was a woman in front of Jongho got out from the seat.

"You should sit" He said. "Hm.. never knew that Jongho is a gentleman" You smirked and sat on the seat.

"What do you even know about me? We always talk bitter toward each other" He stared at you with a slight furrowing eyebrows. You nodded back sarcastically then turned your head to look outside through the window besides you.

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