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TW : mentioned of parents issues, short make out session (again. IM SORRY)

"Will they like me?" I asked as I was sitting next to Jongho with nervousness in the bus. He looked at me, scanning my features before grabbing my hand to make me calm myself down "They will. My parents aren't that judgmental"

I shook one of my legs without control as my mind kept losing focus from overthinking. Jongho released my hand and lifted his hand to one of my knees, he slowly placed it as softest as he could "Don't worry, Y/n. You're with me anyway"

I sighed out and nodded lightly. This makes me feel more worried than my grades.

It didn't take long to arrive at his house. I got out of the taxi and widened my eyes as his house is literally a small mansion. Now I know why he didn't care when he bought me things, he's so fucking rich.

"You're going to drool if you keep opening your mouth like that" He chuckled "Let's go"

He walked and stopped midway as he turned around to look at me "Are you coming or not?"

"Oh— sorry" I blinked and quickly caught up. He gave me his hand, expecting me to accept and yes, I did. He led the way to the door and got inside the house then released our hand before walking into the living room. There were a maid and two adults which were Jongho's parents sat on the sofa.

"Eomma, appa. I'm home with my friend, Y/n" Jongho called out. His parents turned their head toward me immediately which made awkwardness inside me blew up. "Oh! Y/n!"

Mrs. Choi held her own hands with sweet smile "Yunho-ya talked about you a lot. You're prettier more than I expected!", I began to smile shyly and bowed.


"Our eldest son seems to like you a lot. He told us that you're one of the sweetest hubaes, he has ever met"

"Eomma, I'm also here—"

She turned her head to the maid beside her "Yah. Why are you just standing here? Go get her a glass of water"

"You don't need to. We're going now" Jongho glared at the maid softly before walking away, I looked at him in confusion and quickly followed him "Jongho?"

I reached to his bedroom as I stepped inside and looked around. Guitar, TV, desk with gaming setup, gaming chair and much more. I sat on the bed next to him with slight concern in my eyes "Are you alright?"

He hummed. No, you're not feeling alright. I can see it.

"What's wrong? Tell me. If you have something on your mind, you can tell me... I'm here to listen", he looked at me and sighed quietly.

"It bothers me so much" He finally spoke up.

"What bothers you?"

"When my parents ignore me" He paused "They never give me any attention. They always praise my brother when he gets good grades but not when it's me. His grades were lower than me but he still got a compliment"

He pouted and looked away from me "They expected me to be a perfectionist, that's all they want. I became an inspector because they forced me to, they even gave their money to the principal so that he will make me an inspector", I softly placed my hand on his hand with comfort energy.

"I know I sound like a jealous person right now— okay, yes, I'm jealous but not that much" He bit his inner cheek and looked at me as he flipped his hand that I had placed mine to intertwine my fingers.

"Yunho hyung is sweet. He's literally the best brother. He always helps me whenever he has a chance but I can't help myself from getting jealous. I want my parents to give their love to me too"

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