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It was a peaceful Saturday as Y/n sat on the sofa, hoping that it'd finally be her rest day, until someone knocked on her door and opened it to get inside. The only one who likes to do this is Jongho.

Damn. I can never get a rest, can't I?

"Jong?" She looked up and saw that he was acting weird; like he was frustrated more than usual "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

He threw himself on the sofa with no energy "My parents..", Y/n sighed when she heard him mention his parents "What did they do again?"

"I talked to them with my voice clear and loud, but they chose to ignore me" He scoffed "And they told me that I'm arrogant while they don't even give a fuck about me. What can I do to make them feel satisfied?"

He ran his hand through his hair firmly "I always try to be a good son for them— I try to get good grades and be a perfect student, just for them" He bit his tongue.

Y/n stared at him, not knowing how could she comfort him but she chose to place her hand on his shoulder softly "Okay.. this advice might be bad because I'm a shit student but.. sometimes you don't need to be perfect for someone who doesn't care about you. I see you pressuring yourself a lot, and... I think you need to take a break, Jong"

He didn't answer anything back and Y/n didn't mind that at all as she knew that he should take his time to decide his choices.

"Let's go out, Y/n" He broke the silence with sudden suggestion. "What?" She looked at him in confusion.

He sat straight, still keeping his eyes on her "You heard me. Let's go outside. You told me I need a break", Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and exhaled a deep sigh "I need a break too"

Jongho nudged her arm "I'll pay whatever you want, how 'bout that?", she shook her head immediately "Hell nah, don't you dare spend your money on me. It's wasting as fuck" she paused and looked away to grumble something quietly with herself "Acting like a millionaire, for what?"

"I heard that"

"Shut up"

"Come on, Y/n. I don't even offer you to do things that much" He pouted.

Y/n stared at him for a second before grabbing her phone "I'll ask our friends if they're free to go with you—", he quickly took her phone away from her hands and placed it beside him "No, I only want you to go with me"

Damn. That shouldn't affect me, but it did, she thought as her heart raced. She rolled her eyes in fake annoyance to stop her feeling and glared at him "Why me? You're acting like I'm the only person who lives in this world with you", he tilted his head slightly "I just want to hangout with you alone, is that hard to understand, hm?" He then tucked her hair behind her ear "We mostly go somewhere with our friends these days, and I'm sick of it already"

"You said it like you didn't cling onto me all the time" She teased. Jongho looked away to hide his shyness "Well.. not all the time though"

"Not all the time but mostly" Y/n added with a smirk. Jongho's face replaced with serious expression as he sent her a frustration glares "You know I'm still mad, right? If you don't stop, we'll see what will happened"

She frowned "You always threaten me with your words"

"And do I actually do it for real when you crossed the line?"


"Mhm, then you better shut those kissable lips of yours" He then got pushed away, "Yah! Why are you like this?"

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