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S/N: until I fix my computer yall can't get no more gifs also I know it's been some time y'all I'm sorry don't fight me okay!! Oh and I didn't proof read this🤥

Next day..

Tre woke up feeling sore and different. Her self esteem was feeling really low. She can't believe she let D take her virginity after him telling her some hoe just gave him top not too long ago. On the other hand she also can't believe she got her virginity took period.

She was faced the other way just looking at the walls. She didn't know any better. She never had a father figure and she didn't know anything about love but then again who was gonna teach her? She had room for mistakes she was still young. She pulled out her phone and saw that her direct deposit just hit. From her last check second the last check from Walmart she was starting at Amazon next week.


"Time to go Christmas shopping." Tre thought.

She looked over at D who was still knocked out. She did a small smile before looking back and her phone and going to instagram. She saw people liking up her posts but specifically this dude who liked her whole feed.

"Typical." Tre thought.

Tre looked at her phone and went to her cousin's contact and clicked FaceTime.

"What's poppin?" Lex answered as she was laying on the bed watching vampire diaries.

"Bitch where you at?" Tre questioned noticing she had a different scenery.

"Bitch can I get a hello good morning? The fuck!" Lexi said dramatically knowing Tre was gonna ask her that.

"No bitch where the hell you at?" Tre said cutting her eyes.

"Well if you must know I'm at my nigga house." Lexi said sticking her tongue to the side.

"Which nigga?" Tre asked furrowing her brows.

"Fuck she mean which nigga?" Mike's voiced boomed as he walked in the bedroom.

"Boy stop playing before I call yo girlfriend cus I know you still fuckin with her!" Lexi yelled as she rolled her eyes.

"Man stop fuckin playing for I go through that phone and show yo ass sum!" Mike said irritably.

"Anywhooo! Lexi we still going Christmas shopping today?" Tre questioned.

"Yea ima take me a shower and have Mike drop me off you need us to come get you?" Lexi questioned.

Tre looked over at D who was wide awake now just looking at Tre'zure.

"Nah ima take her." D said yawning and stretching.

"Alright bitch see you in about a hour." Lexi said before he hung up the call.

"Why was you just starring at me weirdo." Tre said with a slight smirk scrolling on her phone.

"Cus I'm just tryna see if you okay." D said tryna read her expressions.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Tre asked looking back at him.

"Cus of what happened last night. I meant what I said ima prove to you, you all I want." D said putting kisses on her neck.

Tre bit her lip in lust taking her back to last night. Of course it was pain for the first few minutes but she loved pain. And reminiscing on how big his dick was she couldn't help that libido thumping in between her legs.

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