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"somebody ohhhhhhh"
"she need some milk!"

sorry i just wanted to put that out there.. ANYWAYS on with the story.

All you heard where the faint sounds of the mechines beeping in the hospital room. She could hear, but her eyes couldn't open and she couldn't move. All she could do was think and hope she would wake up soon.

"This is your fault Kim! Ain't nobody tell your dumb ass to kick my niece out." Zionne said to Kim.

"She'll be fucking fine. Trust me." Kim said as she rolled her eyes.

They both paid attention to the door looking at the handle jiggle, hoping it was the doctor. It was D. He rushed in and rushed to his girlfriend's side.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Kim asked with her arms crossed.

D ignored her and continued to observe Tre's body. Dre and Leon had told him what happened which made him immediately rush over here. They had told him that in between a fight, she had just passed out of no where.

"Young man, do you hear me talking to you?" Kim added with her eyebrows furrowed.

D clenched his jaws and took a deep breath. He was getting annoyed as Kim was pushing his buttons. He was already mad before he got the phone call that Tre was in the hospital and he got madder when he found out.

But he already knew who Kim was. Tre would talk about her all the time.

"I'm her-" But before he could finish the doctor came in.

"Hello i'm doctor Fletcher. Is there any immediate family here?" The doctor said as he scribbled on his clipboard.

"We're her Aunts." Zionne said referring to her and Kim.

"Ok can I get you two to step outside so we can talk about.. Tre'zure's condition." The doctor acquainted as he opened the door for all of them to walk outside.

Lexi was just sitting with Ju quiet in the corner. She hasn't said a word since she got there. She's lost so much that she can't help but to think about the worst case scenario in situations.

"So you're my cousin's boyfriend?" Ju asked D from across the room.

"Yea." D said taking a seat bedside to Tre.

"I be hearing about yo lil dirty ass, but since now is not the time I won't bring it up." Ju stated as she put her arm around Lexi.

"You just did." D said as he took a deep breath and laid his head back.

"Water.." Tre said in a slightly low raspy voice.

"What?" Ju asked as she looked at D. She thought he had said something slick.

D looked up and tilted his head, so confused, so baffled.

"Fuck is you looking at me for?" D asked Ju with his face all screwed up. He was just in a bad mood and didn't have patience for anything right now.

"Bitch what was said cause you obviously don't know how to speak up." Ju said mean mugging D.

D just looked at her and scowled. He didn't want to disrespect Tre's cousin because now was not the time. But believe, he wanted to get real disrespectful.

Tre was just annoyed nobody was paying attention to her. It took her about five minutes to muster up one word and they didn't even hear her, so she tried moving her fingers and toes, slightly.

"Oh ok." Ju said to D as if she was checking something.

"Say BITCH. Shut the fuck up." D said lifting his head up all the way.

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