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Monday morning 4:30am

"Y'all get up our flight is in 3 hours and I know y'all ain't pack." Kim said.

Alexis grimes and got up but Tre'zure acted like she was still sleep. She was going to wait until 5 because she got in late last night and only got about four hours of sleep.

"Get up Tre," Lexi said as she smacked Tre'zure's ass.

"Girl get your gay self on somewhere." Tre said sitting up.

"Come on I just wanna feel on your booty bae." Lexi joked as she chuckled.

Tre roller her eyes as she turned on the light. She squinted her crusty eyes and layer on the bed to check her phone. She had comments on her Instagram posts and chats from her Snapchat.

"But bitch what happened last night that took you 4 hours to get something from the store?" Lexi asked packing her stuff.

"Girl guess who the fuck I ran into in the store?" Tre said.

"Bitch who?" Lexi asked looking up.

"D ass and his daughter." Tre said.

"Umm his what now?" Lexi asked.

"Yes bitch. She was so cute but a little annoying. Damn I wanna have a baby." Tre said.

"Girl not this baby shit again." Lexi said.

Tre had always told everybody she was going to have her first child in her second semester of senior year. She always had baby fever from looking at cute babies on Instagram. She wanted to be a young mom, she didn't know why but she always did.

"But you not finna play stepmom..is you?"Lexi asked.

"Girl so let me tell you what happened.." Tre started off.

On the plane..

"Damn bitch so y'all together now?" Alexis asked.

"Yea I guess." Tre said shrugging.

"I don't know if I like his ugly ass. Maybe it's just cause the way we met." Lexi said chuckling to herself.

"Yea but he said he wasn't gone put his hands on me no more and I told him the same so that's a start." Tre said.

"Yea I guess." Alexis said not being sure.

"But bitch tell me how your weekend was. You get any dick?" Tre asked.

"Okay so basically we just stayed in the bed all weekend in the bed and I experienced positions I didn't even know existed." Lexi said.

"Girl be quiet before you wake up Auntie." Tre said as she laughed.

"OK but bitch he ate my cooter and I sucked that nigga up sis. I know he got a girl and all but damn I done fell in love with the dick." Lexi said sticking her tongue out.

"Girl must be nice meanwhile I can't even to remember to shave so I could get fingered." Tre said.

Alexis busted out laughing, "It's ok sis because on thanksgiving all of us gonna go get out kitty waxed." Lexi said referring to their cousins.

"You know I don't fuck with the twins and their messy ass little sister. I don't get how you could be cool with Tank after she and her friend jumped Ivory over a nigga. Like ya'll supposed to be  blood and you jumping her with a fucking friend." Tre said looking over at Ivory who had her headphones in.

She took her headphones out, "I know I'm fine and all but what ya'll looking at?" Ivory asked.
*******************************************At the door..

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